
  • 吴甫成,姚成胜,郭建平,许春晓.岳麓山空气负离子及空气质量变化研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(10):1737-1744

  • 岳麓山空气负离子及空气质量变化研究
  • Distribution of negative air ions and its relation to air quality of the Yuelu Mountain
  • 基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金(No.05JJ40116)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴甫成
  • 湖南师范大学资源环境科学学院, 长沙 410081
  • 姚成胜
  • 福建师范大学自然资源研究中心, 福州 350007
  • 郭建平
  • 湖南师范大学资源环境科学学院, 长沙 410081
  • 许春晓
  • 湖南师范大学旅游学院, 长沙 410081
  • 摘要:采用空气离子测量仪,于2003年10月~2004年9月对岳麓山及其周围地区的空气正、负离子浓度进行了测量,并用相应的方法对其空气质量作了评价.结果表明,岳麓山正、负离子之比的单极系数q值较小,空气离子评价系数CI值均大于0.7,空气质量良好;空气负离子浓度的垂直变化明显,山体中部明显高于山顶和山麓地带,且非核心景区高于核心景区;空气负离子浓度和空气质量1月最低,9月最高,夏、秋两季相当,春季好于冬季;空气负离子浓度的日变化规律(6:00~19:00)为清晨和中午低,上午和傍晚高,一天中存在2个峰值;下雨后空气负离子浓度和空气质量要好于下雨前,两者差异显著.而晴天空气负离子和空气质量要略好于阴天,但两者差别不明显;不同功能区空气负离子浓度和空气质量差异显著,其大小依次为:风景区>大公园>小公园>商业区>一般交通线>交通干线>汽车站.
  • Abstract:The concentrations of negative air ions for the Yuelu Mountain and its surrounding area were measured from October 2003 to September 2004. The results show that the monopole-coefficient q values of the passive and negative air ions are low, with air-ion evolution coefficient CI higher than 0.7, which shows the air for the mountain to be of good quality: The concentrations of negative air ions obviously varied vertically, for which the concentrations of negative air ions in the middle of the mountain are clearly higher than of that in areas of the peak and piedmont of the mountain, and also the concentrations of negative air ions in area of non-key scenic spot higher than that in key scenic spot area. The concentrations of negative air ions are at the lowest in January, and at the highest in September during a year. Moreover, the air quality for the summer and autumn of a year are similar, but the air quality for the spring is better than for the winter. The concentrations of negative air ions in the early morning and mid-day are lower, with highest in the morning and late afternoon during a day. Also, the concentrations of negative air ions after a rain are higher than before a rain, with air quality after a rain better than before a rain. Finally, the concentrations of negative air ions and air quality for different active areas are various, with concentration order as well as the air quality order as : scenic spot﹥big park﹥small park﹥business area﹥general street﹥key street﹥bus station.

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