
  • 马建华,李剑,宋博.郑汴路不同运营路段路旁土壤重金属分布及污染分析[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(10):1734-1743

  • 郑汴路不同运营路段路旁土壤重金属分布及污染分析
  • Contamination and spatial distribution of heavy metals in the soils of different operating sections along the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng highway
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No40671175)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 马建华
  • 河南大学资源与环境研究所 开封 475004
  • 李剑
  • 浙江大学公共管理学院 杭州 310029
  • 宋博
  • 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院 长春 130024
  • 摘要:选择运营时间不同的杏花营和圃田路段分别布设1800m长的采样断面,按距离路基远近不同布设土壤采样点38个,对照采样点2个,在距路基25m处挖掘土壤剖面2个,共采集土壤样品50个.在室内试验的基础上,对路旁土壤重金属(Pb、Cd、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cr)空间分布特征与污染状况进行了研究.结果表明,公路两侧300m范围内的土壤重金属含量明显高于对照区和中国潮土背景值,尤其土壤中Cd、Cr和Pb积累明显.路北土壤重金属含量高于路南.对于运营时间长的杏花营断面,土壤重金属含量高于圃田断面.大多数重金属在土壤中的含量随离公路距离的增加在距路基10~50m处出现积累峰值,然后逐渐下降,在300m附近接近于对照值.重金属主要累积在土壤深0~40cm范围内.杏花营路段两侧200m范围内为重金属轻度污染带,200~300m之间为警戒带.圃田路段北侧30m范围内为轻度污染带,30~200m为警戒带,200~300m为清洁带;而其南侧15m范围内为轻污染带,15~80m为清洁带,80~300m为警戒带.
  • Abstract:Two soil sampling transects in Xinghuaying and Putian along the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng highway were chosen on the basis of different lengths of operation.Each of the transects was 1800 m long and perpendicular to the highway.Forty samples were collected in the transects at different distances from the highway edge.Two soil profiles were dug at 25 m from the highway edge and ten depth profile samples were collected.The spatial distribution and contamination of heavy metals(Pb、Cd、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cr) in the soils were analyzed.The main conclusions are summarized as follows:On either side of the highway,heavy metal concentrations in soil within 300 m of the highway greatly exceeded those in the control samples located 1500 m from the highway.Heavy metals near the highway were also higher than the background values in fluvo-aquic soils in China.The accumulations of Cd,Cr and Pb in the soils within 300 m were significant.Heavy metal concentrations in the soils on the north side of the highway were higher than on the south side.The concentrations on the Xinghuaying transect were higher than on the Putian transect because the Xinghua section has been in operation 20 years longer than Putian.Most of the heavy metal concentrations in soils varied with the distance from the highway.The maximum values were found 10 m to 50 m from the highway,and values at a distance of 300 m were similar to those in the control soils.Heavy metals were mainly accumulated in the topsoil(0~40 cm).On the Xinghuaying transect,the areas within 200 m of both sides of the highway were classified as a slight pollution zone;and the areas from 200 m to 300 m as a warning zone.On the Putian transect,the area within 30 m of north side of the highway was classified as a slight pollution zone;from 30 m to 200 m as a warning zone;and from 200 m to 300 m as a clean zone.In contrast,the area within 15 m of the south side was classified as a slight pollution zone,from 15 m to 80 m as a clean zone;from 80 m to 300 m as a warning zone.

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