
  • 王丽莉,涂淑兰,路鹏,李国学.冬季动态槽式堆肥温度的空间变异[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(11):1838-1844

  • 冬季动态槽式堆肥温度的空间变异
  • Temperature spatial variability in dynamic trough composting process in winter
  • 基金项目:"十五"国家科技攻关项目(No.2002BA516A03);国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2002AA245031)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王丽莉
  • 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100094
  • 涂淑兰
  • 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100094
  • 路鹏
  • 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100094
  • 李国学
  • 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100094
  • 摘要:以鲜鸡粪、蘑菇渣和污泥按照体积比3:1:1混合进行动态堆肥模拟试验.堆肥槽沿物料前进方向分为7个部分,对每个部分按等间距分别做5个水平方向上切分和5个垂直方向上切分,在形成的125个交叉点上进行温度监测.研究结果表明,第1天的混合物料温度在同一层中变异很小,不同层之间略有差异.随着动态过程的进行,同一层温度变异逐渐增大,从第一天相差1~3℃,增加到相差30~40℃,靠近墙体的堆料温度较低,远离墙体的温度较高.随着堆肥时间延长,差异增大.机械翻堆能起到通风的作用,同时使每一个堆方的堆料在纵向方向上上下混合,但达不到横向混匀,因此,靠近墙体两侧的堆料始终处于较低的温度,只有中部能达到较高的温度,以堆肥温度50℃作为无害化指标,自墙体向中心方向的1m为没有达到无害化厚度,无害化体积占堆肥总体积50%.整个动态堆肥过程符合二级动力学方程.
  • Abstract:The aims of this study were to analyze the temperature spatial variability in composting trough (45m length 4m wider 1.2m height) in winter in Gaocheng Huiyuan composting plant, which had an industrial no-stable trough composting system using fresh chicken manure, crushed mushroom residue and sewage sludge as raw materials with the ratio of 3:1:1 by volume. Five horizontal layers and five vertical profiles were divided in every compost matrix (CM) and temperature was monitored in 125 intersections in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th day respectively. The results showed that an almost uniform initial temperature distribution in the same horizontal profiles however slight difference in different layers was observed. The temperature variability augmented gradually in the same layers with discrepancy 1~3℃ in the first day to 30~40℃ in the seventh day. The temperature was higher away from trough walls while lower near the walls. Also, the discrepancy was more and more with the time going on. The simulated model of two-kinetics equation was suited for temperature spatial variability during composting process. Mechanical turning could aerate and mix the materials from top to bottom in lengthways but could not assure the uniformity of the compost in transverse. So the compost temperature was higher only in center areas however that near the trough walls was lower all the while. The temperature in composting pile reached over 50℃ (T50) as crisis of killing pathogen. It was calculated that the valid distance for killing pathogenic bacteria was about 1m far away from the walls to center in transverse. Of total compost the volume of harmless part was only 50% percent.

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