
  • 傅洪贤.青藏铁路爆破施工对冻土环境的影响及对策[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(1):204-208

  • 青藏铁路爆破施工对冻土环境的影响及对策
  • Qinghai-Tibet railway construction:permafrost disturbance and protective countermeasures
  • 基金项目:北京交通大学人才基金项目(No.2004RC078)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 傅洪贤
  • 北京交通大学隧道及地下工程研究中心, 北京 100044
  • 摘要:青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高的铁路,全长1142km,其中有550km要经过多年冻土区."高原"问题、"冻土"问题和"环保"问题是建设青藏铁路的3个关键技术问题.结合青藏铁路的建设,进行了一系列球状药包爆破漏斗试验、柱状药包爆破漏斗试验和中深孔爆破开挖试验,得出了对青藏高原冻土影响最小的爆破参数.同时,在对多年冻土进行爆破开挖的过程中,采取了一系列措施,防止冻土热融和边坡滑坍.通过对爆破开挖的冻土进行监测,发现经过8个月的时间冻土可以恢复到初始状态.
  • Abstract:The Qinghai-Tibet railway is the highest in the world of its 1142km length,550km is built on permafrost.Conquering the lack of oxygen at high altitude,mastering the characteristics of permafrost and protecting the permafrost environment are three key technological challenges.Spherical and column charge explosives were used to create test craters on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and the physical-mechanical properties of permafrost were measured to obtain permafrost blasting parameters.Trials of longhole blasting were also carried out and the optimal blasting parameters of the permafrost determined.Aseries of countermeasures were adopted in order to avoid thawing the permafrost and destabilizing the slope.According to the observations,eight months after the blasting,the disturbed permafrost returned to its initial state.

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