
  • 冯承莲,夏星辉,周追,呼丽娟.长江武汉段水体中多环芳烃的分布及来源分析[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(11):1900-1908

  • 长江武汉段水体中多环芳烃的分布及来源分析
  • Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River
  • 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2003CB415204);国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.40571138)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 冯承莲
  • 北京师范大学环境学院, 水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 夏星辉
  • 北京师范大学环境学院, 水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 周追
  • 北京师范大学环境学院, 水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 呼丽娟
  • 北京师范大学环境学院, 水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 摘要:对长江武汉段干流7个站点、支流和湖泊23个站点的水相、悬浮颗粒相和沉积相样品中的多环芳烃进行了分析测定.结果表明,水相中多环芳烃总量的变化范围为0.242~6.235μg·L-1;沉积相中的变化范围为31~4812μg·L-1;悬浮颗粒相中多环芳烃含量的平均值为4677μg·L-1,含量高于沉积物.长江武汉段与国内其它河流多环芳烃污染水平相当,比国外一些河流多环芳烃的污染水平要高.沉积相中多环芳烃的含量与颗粒物中总有机碳(TOC)含量呈显著
  • Abstract:Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment samples were analyzed from 7 main river sites and 23 tributary and lake sites of the Yangtze River (Wuhan section). The results showed that the total concentrations of PAHs in the studied area ranged from 0.242 to 6.235 μg·L-1 in waters and from 31 to 4812μg·L-1 in sediments. The average concentration of PAHs in SPM was 4677μg·L-1, which was higher than the sediments. The PAHs pollution level of the Yangtze River is similar to that of some other rivers in China but higher than rivers in foreign countries. There was a positive relationship between the concentrations of PAHs and the TOCcontents in sediments. The ratio of specific PAHs indicated that PAHs mainly came from combustion processes, such as coal burning and wood burning. Benzo(a)pyrene was detected only at Baishazhou of the mainstream and Moshuihu of the tributaries, and the concentrations were above drinking water standards. We conclude that PAHs may cause toxic effects but will not cause acute biological effects in the sediments of the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River.

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