
  • 沈镭,张再利,贾晓珊.氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌对硫代硫酸钠的代谢机理研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(12):2000-2007

  • 氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌对硫代硫酸钠的代谢机理研究
  • Study on metabolic mechanisms of sodium thiosulfate by Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus Thiooxidans
  • 基金项目:"985工程"二期项目;中山大学重点资助项目(No.32000-3253282)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 沈镭
  • 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275
  • 张再利
  • 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275
  • 贾晓珊
  • 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275
  • 摘要:首先利用含硫的温泉水,经一系列培养、分离和纯化得到了氧化亚铁硫杆菌(T.f)和氧化硫硫杆菌(T.t).然后,将2种菌投加至一定浓度的硫代硫酸钠,观察2种菌在不同溶解氧浓度下的生长情况和溶液中各种硫化合物的浓度变化.结果表明,T.f利用硫代硫酸钠的速度比T.t快,生长周期也比T.t长,但单个T.f细胞的代谢能力较T.t差;T.fT.t利用硫代硫酸钠的代谢产物主要为硫酸根离子、连四硫酸根离子、二氧化硫和单质硫.2种菌对硫代硫酸根离子的代谢主要通过4条途径进行.提高溶解氧浓度能显著加快2种菌对硫代硫酸钠的利用速度.
  • Abstract:In this research, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (T.f) and Thiobacillus thiooxidans (T.t) were obtained from a hot spring containing sulfur after a series of cultivating, separating and purifying. And sodium thiosulfate was added to the culture of these two bacteria respectively in a certain concentration. Then the growth features of the two bacteria, variation of concentration of different sulfur compounds were investigated under different levels of dissolved oxygen. Results showed that: (1) the oxidation velocity of thiosulfate by T.f was higher and the growth period of T.f was shorter than that of T.t. However, the metabolic capability of a single cell of T.f was weaker than that of T.t; (2) The main metabolic products of sodium thiosulfate by T.f and T.t were sulfate ion, tetrathionate ion, sulfur dioxide and elemental sulfur. Thiosulfate ion was metabolized by T.f and T.t through four main paths; (3) Oxidation rates of sodium thiosulfate by T.f and T.t could be accelerated by increase of dissolved oxygen.

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