
  • 龚斌,刘津,赵斌.一株高效苯酚降解菌的分离、鉴定及降解特性的研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(12):2008-2012

  • 一株高效苯酚降解菌的分离、鉴定及降解特性的研究
  • The isolation and identification of a phenol-degrading strain and study on its degrading characterization
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 龚斌
  • 华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070
  • 刘津
  • 华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070
  • 赵斌
  • 华中农业大学农业微生物学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070
  • 摘要:从污泥中分离到1株高效苯酚降解细菌JF-10.在以1000mg·L-1苯酚作为唯一碳源并加有0.05%酵母粉的无机盐培养基中,JF-10能在24h内将苯酚完全降解.该菌被鉴定为假单胞菌,与P.citronellolisP.nitroreducensP.aeruginosa亲缘关系较近,但生理生化特征又有差异.JF-10与P.citronelloli gyrB基因的序列相似性只有75%,与P.aeruginosa也只有80%.该菌在pH值4.0~9.0时对苯酚的降解达80%以上,加入一定浓度Mn2+、Cu2+、Ni2+、Pb2+对苯酚降解有促进作用;200mg·L-1的α-萘酚、苯胺能显著抑制苯酚降解,但甲苯对苯酚的降解无影响,苯酚可以促进邻甲酚的降解.
  • Abstract:A bacterial strain JF-10 with high phenol·degrading ability was isolated from sludge. At a concentration of 1000mg·L-1, this strain degraded phenol completely in 24 hours when it was grown in basal medium added 0.05% yeast powder and phenol as sole carbon source. This strain kept high similarity with P.citronellolisP.nitroreducensP.aeruginosa according to 16s rDNA sequence analysis, but it was different from them in physiological and biochemical characters. The similarity of gyrB gene between JF-10 and P.citronelloli was 75%, JF-10 and P.aeruginosa was 80%. 80% of phenol was degraded at pH 4.0~9.0, Mn2+、Cu2+、Ni2+、Pb2+ promoted phenol degradation in certain concentration. 200mg·L-1 of α-naphthol and aniline strongly inhibited phenol degradation, but toluene had no influence on phenol degradation. O-cresol degradation was promoted in the existence of phenol.

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