
  • 廖永岩,陈润锋.Cu、Pb、Cd、Hg亚致死浓度对三疣梭子蟹幼体的影响[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(8):1347-1358

  • Cu、Pb、Cd、Hg亚致死浓度对三疣梭子蟹幼体的影响
  • The effect of sublethal concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg on larval development of Portunus trituberculatus
  • 基金项目:广东海洋大学自然科学基金项目(No.0409018)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 廖永岩
  • 广东海洋大学水产学院, 湛江 524025
  • 陈润锋
  • 广东海洋大学水产学院, 湛江 524025
  • 摘要:为了解海洋重金属污染对三疣梭子蟹的危害,进行了Cu、Pb、Cd、Hg对三疣梭子蟹幼体影响的试验.结果发现,当Cu浓度为0.005mg·L-1(Cu渔业水质标准的1/2倍,简称1/2倍组,下同)以下时,蟹幼体能正常发育至2期幼蟹;Cu浓度为0.01mg·L-1(1倍组)时蟹幼体也能发育至2期幼蟹,但在试验第19d全部死亡;Cu浓度为0.02mg·L-1时(2倍组)蟹幼体仅发育至1期后就全部死亡;Cu浓度为0.04mg·L-1(4倍组)和0.08mg·L-1(8倍组)时蟹幼体只能发育至大眼幼体就全部死亡.Pb浓度为0.025mg·L-1(1/2倍组)、0.0125mg·L-1(1/4倍组)时,蟹幼体能正常发育至2期幼蟹;Pb浓度为0.05mg·L-1(1倍组)时蟹幼体能发育至2期幼蟹,但在试验的第20d全部死亡;Pb浓度为0.1mg·L-1(2倍组)和0.2mg·L-1(4倍组)时,幼体仅发育至1期幼蟹就全部死亡;Pb浓度为0.4mg·L-1(8倍组)时,幼蟹仅只能发育至Z4就全部死亡.Cd浓度为0.00125mg·L-1(1/4倍组)时,蟹幼体能正常发育至2期幼蟹;Cd浓度为0.0025mg·L-1(1/2倍组)仅有1期幼蟹出现,至试验结束时虽未死亡,但未能变态为2期幼蟹;Cd浓度为0.005mg·L-1(1倍组),仅只有1期幼蟹出现就全部死亡;Cd浓度为0.01mg·L-1(2倍组)、0.02mg·L-1(4倍组)时,仅只能发育至大眼幼体就全部死亡;Cd浓度为0.04mg·L-1(8倍组),幼体仅只能发育至Z4就全部死亡.Hg浓度为0.0005mg·L-1(1倍组)时,三疣梭子蟹幼体均能正常发育至2期幼蟹;Hg浓度为0.001mg·L-1(2倍组)只能发育至1期幼蟹就全部死亡;Hg浓度为0.002mg·L-1(4倍组)、0.004mg·L-1(8倍组)仅只能发育至Z4就全部死亡.以上结果说明,Cu浓度为0.005mg·L-1(1/4倍组),Pb浓度为0.025mg·L-1(1/2倍组)、Cd浓度为0.00125mg·L-1(1/4倍组)和Hg浓度为0.000125mg·L-1(1/4倍组)以下进行三疣梭子蟹幼体培育比较安全.
  • Abstract:To understand the effect of heavy metals on Portunus trituberculatus, larvae were exposed to varying concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg. In the test group with Cu concentration at half the water quality standard for fisheries (0.005 mg·L-1), the crab larvae developed to the secondary stage of juvenile crab, while the test group at 0.01 mg·L-1 Cu, also developed to the secondary stage of juvenile crab, but all died by the 19th day of the experiment. In the test group with Pb concentrations at 1/2 the water quality standard for fisheries (0.025 mg·L-1), the crab larvae developed to the secondary stage of juvenile crab normally; and the group exposed to the maximum allowed concentration(0.05 mg·L-1), also developed to the secondary stage of juvenile crab, but died on the 20th day of the experiment. For Cd, the test group at 1/4 the water quality standard for fisheries (0.00125 mg·L-1), developed to the secondary stage of juvenile crab normally and the group at 1/2 the standard concentration (0.0025 mg·L-1), developed to the first stage of juvenile crab, but did not develop to the secondary stage of juvenile crab before the end of the experiment; For Hg, the test group exposed to levels at the water quality standard for fisheries (0.0005 mg·L-1), the crab larvae developed normally to the secondary stage of juvenile crab but the group with twice that concentration(0.001 mg·L-1) only developed to the first stage of juvenile crab before they all died. These results indicate that it is relatively secure to breed larvae of Portunus trituberculatus below the 1/2 times of water quality standard for fisheries of Cu (0.005 mg·L-1) and Pb (0.025 mg·L-1), 1/4 times of Cd(0.00125 mg·L-1) and Hg(0.000125 mg·L-1).

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