
  • 赵庆良,张金娜,尤世界,姜珺秋.不同阴极电子受体从生物燃料电池中发电的比较研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(12):2052-2057

  • 不同阴极电子受体从生物燃料电池中发电的比较研究
  • Comparing study on electricity generation from different cathodic electron acceptors in microbial fuel cell
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵庆良
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 张金娜
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 尤世界
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 姜珺秋
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 摘要:以活性炭阳极双室生物燃料电池为基础,使用葡萄糖(COD为2000mg·L-1)作为底物,比较了铁氰化钾、过氧化氢、重铬酸钾和高锰酸钾分别作为生物燃料电池阴极电子受体时电池的开路电压和功率输出.结果表明,铁氰化钾、过氧化氢和重铬酸钾对应的开路电位分别为0·72V、0.33V和1.13V,均低于高锰酸钾的1.41V.铁氰化钾和重铬酸钾对应的最大功率密度分别为4788mW·m-3和10951mW·m-3,相比之下高锰酸钾对应的最大功率达到了21912mW·m-3.除过氧化氢外,3种氧化剂对应的电池内阻没有区别,均在2200Ω左右.当高锰酸钾浓度为200mg·L-1、pH为2.0时,开路电位高达1.44V,阴极电位达到1.38V,pH对电池电压输出的影响比高锰酸钾浓度更为显著.将高锰酸钾用于生物燃料电池从有机废水中发电不但可以极大提高系统的功率输出,还具有十分显著的经济和环境效益.
  • Abstract:A comparison of open circuit potential (OCP) and power output among ferricyanide, hydrogen peroxide, potassium dichromate and potassium permanganate used as cathodic electron acceptors was taken in a dual-chamber microbial fuel cell with activated carbon as the anode fed with glucose (COD of 2000mg·L-1) as substrate. The results demonstrated that the OCP corresponding to ferricyanide, hydrogen peroxide and potassium dichromate could reach 0.72V, 0.33V and 1.13V respectively, which was observed to be lower than 1.41V that was obtained from potassium permanganate. The maximum power density obtained from ferricyanide and potassium dichromate was 4788mW·m-3 and 10951mW·m-3, while the use of potassium permanganate resulted in the maximum power density of 21912 mW·m-3. Meanwhile, there was no discrimination on internal resistance of the cell for three oxidants except for hydrogen peroxide, with the value of 2200Ω. When permanganate concentration was 200mg·L-1 and pH=2.0, the OCP could reach up to 1.441V with the cathode potential of 1.38V, and pH was found to affect voltage output more significantly than permanganate concentration. The use of permanganate as the cathodic electron acceptor in microbial fuel cells not only provides an approach to produce electricity from organic wastewater with high power output, but also suggests a remarking environmental and economical benefit.

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