
  • 郑凤英,李顺兴,钱沙华,邓南圣.水杨酸和5-磺基—水杨酸表面修饰纳米TiO2吸附去除对硝基苯酚[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(1):64-68

  • 水杨酸和5-磺基—水杨酸表面修饰纳米TiO2吸附去除对硝基苯酚
  • Surface-modification of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with salicylic acid & 5-sulfosalicylic acid to remove p-nitrophenol by adsorption
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.20177017)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 郑凤英
  • 1. 漳州师范学院化学与环境科学系, 漳州 363000; 2. 武汉大学环境科学系, 武汉 430079
  • 李顺兴
  • 漳州师范学院化学与环境科学系, 漳州 363000
  • 钱沙华
  • 武汉大学环境科学系, 武汉 430079
  • 邓南圣
  • 武汉大学环境科学系, 武汉 430079
  • 摘要:利用化学吸附法合成了水杨酸和5-磺基—水杨酸表面修饰的TiO2纳米粒子.对表面修饰前后的TiO2纳米粒子,采用红外光谱法、固体紫外-可见漫反射电子光谱法比较其官能团和吸光性能的变化.研究发现,经水杨酸和5-磺基—水杨酸改性后的TiO2分别呈浅黄色、土黄色,吸收带边发生了明显的红移,吸收边起始点分别延伸至420nm和450nm处,出现—COOTi—和芳香羧酸酯的特征吸收峰;这说明TiO2表面羟基与水杨酸或5-磺基—水杨酸间发生类似酸和醇之间的酯化反应,分别形成的稳定六元环化合物;在最佳吸附pH值4.0和吸附平衡时间100min的条件下,水杨酸和5-磺基—水杨酸表面修饰的TiO2纳米粒子对硝基苯酚的吸附率可由改性前的43%分别提高至89%和94%,突破了TiO2吸附去除芳香族污染物的瓶颈——在吸附剂表面的低覆盖率;同时表层链接苯环的极性减弱,非极性增强,并在水、苯和乙醇中具有良好的分散性.
  • Abstract:Nanometer size titanium dioxides modified by salicylic acid (SA) and 5-sulfosalicylic acid (5-SA) were prepared by using surface-modification method. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and UV-Vis reflectance spectra were used to investigate the structure of the modified TiO2 nanoparticles and their absorption spectrum. Effects of modification on the adsorption of p-nitrophenol (PNP) and dispersion in water, benzene and ethanol were also studied. The salicylic acid or 5-sulfosalicylic acid is bonded to the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles, resulting in the formation of a stable, surface sixring complex which color is, respectively, buff and yellow. Through surface modification, the formation of Ti IV-SAand Ti IV-5-SAsurface complex results in a red shift of UV-Vis reflectance spectra, towards the visible region, up to 420 and 450 nm, respectively. Under the optimum pHvalue 4.0, the adsorption rate of PNP by TiO2 was improved from 43% to 89% and 94%, respectively, through modification by SAand 5-SA. The SA-modified TiO2 and 5-SA-modified TiO2 nanoparticles have good dispersive capacity in water, benzene and ethanol.

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