
  • 李宗辉,唐文浩,宋志文.人工湿地处理污水时水生植物形态和生理特性对污水长期浸泡的响应[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(1):75-79

  • 人工湿地处理污水时水生植物形态和生理特性对污水长期浸泡的响应
  • Response of the morphological and physiological characteristics of aquatic plants to long-term soaking in the process of constructed wetland wastewater treatment
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李宗辉
  • 1. 华南热带农业大学环境与植物保护学院, 儋州 571700; 2. 青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院, 青岛 266033
  • 唐文浩
  • 华南热带农业大学环境与植物保护学院, 儋州 571700
  • 宋志文
  • 青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院, 青岛 266033
  • 摘要:主要比较了污水和净水培养水生植物(芦苇、香蒲)形态特征的改变,测定了污水和净水培养的水生植物体内(根、叶片)过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,分析判断了水生植物对长期污水浸泡所采取的响应的途径和方式.结果表明,与天然净水培养的芦苇相比,长期污水浸泡致使芦苇的植株高度显著变小,平均值之差为71.1cm;芦苇叶片长度显著减小,叶片长度平均值之差为11.3cm,最大叶片宽度减小,叶片最大宽度平均值之差为0.62cm;植株密度明显增大,增幅达4倍以上.长期污水浸泡显著影响了香蒲根部POD活性,使其比净水培养高73.51U·g-1·min-1;污水浸泡对芦苇和香蒲叶片CAT活性影响显著,污水培养芦苇和香蒲的叶片CAT活性分别较净水培养芦苇和香蒲低0.068、0.1071mg·g-1·min-1.
  • Abstract:Aquatic plants (phramites comunis, typha latifola) were soaked in wastewater and clean water to investigate their morphological and physiological characteristics changes in constructed wetland wastewater treatment.The peroxidase(POD) and catalase(CAT) activities of aquatic plants in wastewater and clean water were measured, and the response way of the aquatic plants to long-term soaking in wastewater was studied. The results show that the aquatic plants change their morphological and physiological characteristics dramatically with the variation of soaking time. The phramites comunis in wastewater had low-height, small-leaves and high-density compared with that in clean water: the plant height lowered obviously, with the average variation value of 71.1 cm; the leaf length and the maximum leaf width decreased, and the average variation values were of 11.3 cm and 0.62 cm, respectively; while the density of planting and planting root increased by 300%.The activities of PODand CATin aquatic plants were also changed: the PODactivities of typha latifola in wastewater increased obviously and was 73.51U·g-1·min-1 higher than that in clean water, while the CATactivities of phramites comunis and typha latifola decreased obviously, lower than that in clean water by 0.068mg·g-1·min-1 and 0.1071 mg·g-1·min-1, respectively.

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