- Application of polygon synthesis for pesticide reduction evaluation in protected horticultural vegetable fields in Shanghai
- 基金项目:上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目(农科攻字2005第6-1-2号);国家“十五”重点科技攻关项目(No.2001BA503B05);中意环保合作项目
- 万年峰
- 上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所, 上海市设施园艺技术重点实验室, 上海 201106
- 蒋杰贤
- 上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所, 上海市设施园艺技术重点实验室, 上海 201106
- 季香云
- 上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所, 上海市设施园艺技术重点实验室, 上海 201106
- 摘要:将综合效益分为经济效益、社会效益、生态效益3个元素,综合代价分为经济代价、社会代价、生态代价3个元素,将参加综合代价评价的指标优化矩阵与参加综合效益评价的指标优化矩阵的比称为综合代价效益比矩阵;运用多边形指标法的基本原理和方法,构建了综合代价效益比RCC/CP模型,将其应用于上海市设施菜田农药减量技术评估体系中,并根据不同控害方案产生的综合代价效益比值将控害功能分为优良、较好、一般、较差和很差5个等级.结果表明,"防虫网室2.2m"(RCC/CP=0.4363)、"防虫网室2.7m"(RCC/CP=0.4622)、"防虫网室3.2m"(RCC/CP=0.4786)均达到"较好"等级,"薄膜遮阳防虫网室2.7m"(RCC/CP=0.5153)的控害功能达到"一般"等级,对照"露地常规防治区"(RCC/CP=1.1001)的控害功能为"很差"等级,其中,"防虫网室2.2m"是本试验中最优的农药减量控害措施.
- Abstract:In this paper we divide Comprehensive Profit(CP)into 3 elements-economic,social and ecological profit-and split up Comprehensive Cost(CC)into 3 groups-economic,social and ecological cost.Based on the polygon synthesis index method we construct a RCC/CPmodel,i.e.the matrix of Ratio of Comprehensive Cost to Comprehensive Profit(RCC/CP),where the RCC/CPindex matrix WCC/CPis defined as the index optimization matrix of CCdivided by the index optimization matrix of CP.The RCC/CPmodel was applied to evaluate pesticide reduction techniques in protected horticultural vegetable fields in Shanghai.According to the value of RCC/CPof different pest-control methods,we assigned insect pest-control functions into 5 levels:excellent,better,general,bad,and worst.The evaluation results show that the pest-control functions of treatments "2.2 m high gray insect-proof net rooms "(RCC/CP=0.4363),"2.7 m high gray insect-proof net rooms"(RCC/CP=0.4622)and "3.2 m high gray insect-proof net rooms"(RCC/CP=0.4786)were all excellent,while "white insect-proof thin film rooms"(RCC/CP=0.5153)was general,"common control and prevention areas without any covering nets or thin films"(RCC/CP=1.1001)were worse;so use of "2.2 m high gray insect-proof net rooms" was our best insect pest-control technique.
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