- Biological-hydraulic coupled model of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants and model validation
- 基金项目:浙江省高校中青年学科带头人培养基金(浙教高科No.2001-221)
- 孙培德
- 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院 杭州 310035
- 王如意
- 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院 杭州 310035
- 摘要:为了考察生物反应器中水力流场对污染物质生物去除效果的影响以及研究生物代谢模型对生物除磷效果模拟的情况,在FCASM 1模型的基础上,结合Delft磷代谢机理模型的思想,建立完全耦合活性污泥2号模型(Fully Coupled Activated Sludge Model No.2,简称FCASM 2);并通过一维纵向对流-弥散方程与生物场耦合,建立了生物场-水力流场耦合新模型——FCASM 2-Hydro耦合模型.污水处理厂模拟结果表明,生物场-水力流场耦合模型(FCASM 2-Hydro)比非耦合模型对污染物质去除过程的描述更符合实际情况.在对30d的污水处理动态模拟结果中,FCASM 1和FCASM 2两个模型对磷酸盐的模拟结果与实测结果趋势一致,而且FCASM 2的模拟值比FCASM 1的模拟值更符合实测结果;在3d的污水处理动态模拟结果中,这2个模型对磷酸盐的模拟结果与实测结果趋势基本一致.
- Abstract:Afully coupled activated sludge model(FCASM 2) is proposed,based on FCASM 1 combined with the Delft metabolic model for biological phosphorus removal.In order to study the hydraulic effect on biological removal, a biological-hydraulic coupled model(FCASM 2-Hydro) described by the 1-Dconvection-diffusion equation is also presented.Simulation results for a wastewater treatment plant(WWTP) indicate that the numerical simulation values of the coupled model(FCASM 2-Hydro) are more consistent with real values than the FCASM 2's.Long-term dynamic simulation results for biological phosphorus removal over 30 days show that the trends of FCASM 1 and FCASM 2 are identical with the measured trend,and the numerical simulation values of FCASM 2 are closer to the real values than FCASM 1's.For 3-day short-term dynamic simulations,the results of biological phosphorus removal show that the trends of FCASM 1 and FCASM 2 are also identical with the measured trend.
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