
  • 刘书宇,马放,张建祺.景观水体富营养化模拟过程中藻类演替及多样性指数研究[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(2):337-341

  • 景观水体富营养化模拟过程中藻类演替及多样性指数研究
  • Studies on biodiversities in eutrophication process of landscaping water body in Northern China
  • 基金项目:国家重点基础研究计划(973)项目(No.2004CB418505);上海市优秀教师科研基金(No.B.99-030306-017)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘书宇
  • 1. 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090; 2. 上海大学射线应用研究所, 上海 201800
  • 马放
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 张建祺
  • 美国马里兰州立大学土木环境工程系, 巴尔的摩 21250
  • 摘要:采用微宇宙培养法,模拟微污染景观水体富营养化过程,研究其浮游藻类演替状况及生物多样性指数.结果表明,最终优势藻种为黄藻门.通过计算9种生物多样性指数(Margalefs、PIE(种间相遇几率)、Menhinicks、Shannon-Wiener、Simpsons、McNaughtonsdominanceindex、Species、OD(多样性测度指数)、Monk)对景观水体富营养化过程中浮游植物演替趋势进行评价,发现其中仅2种多样性指数适于静态景观水体富营养化研究,分别为Monk多样性指数及Menhinicks多样性指数,而其它指数都不够准确.
  • Abstract:Tank microcosm has been used to simulate the eutrophication process of static water body in Northern China in landscaping function. The phytoplankton changes with the development of various dominant species. It was found that the dominant species were Xanthophyta in the last stage. Nine biodiversity indices calculated on the basis of phytoplankton data were studied for their usefulness for eutrophication studies in landscaping water body. As follows: Margalef's ,PIE ,Menhinick's ,Shannon-Wiener, Simpson's, McNaughton's dominance index, Species, OD ,Monk , as a tool for eutrophication assessment in Landscape water body environment , Monk index and Menhinick's index were the best suitable for token the contamination development, others not.

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