
  • 代明.流域环境保护与均衡发展的矛盾及其对策探析[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(1):197-203

  • 流域环境保护与均衡发展的矛盾及其对策探析
  • A solution to the contradiction between the protection of water environments & the regional developments
  • 基金项目:
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  • 代明
  • 暨南大学区域与城市研究中心, 广州 510632
  • 摘要:为寻找可兼顾发展与环保、效率与公平、能调动上下游双向积极性的制度安排或系统解决方案,尝试提出了"水系工业排放配额制"的方法,即将水系所能承载的最大工业排放量作为配额,公平分配到流域单元,并允许其交易;企业可在投资治污抑或购买排放配额之间进行自由选择,环境脆弱的流域单元也可向外转让其"闲置"的排放配额,这样其因承担源头保护义务而被迫放弃的部分工业发展权就从配额交易中得到了补偿,并可将此补偿用于发展生态适宜产业.鉴于流域环境保护与均衡发展矛盾的复杂性及工业排放控制的难度,方案的实施宜循序渐进.
  • Abstract:Considering where the threats against water environments mainly originate,it would be much more effective and economical to reduce industrial emissions from the source or upper reaches of a river system.But the problem is,as a result of delays in industrialization,these areas have been deeply involved in "the vicious circle of poverty",so millions and millions of local people dream of getting rid of poverty by speeding up industrial development.China must,therefore,find a systematic solution that takes account of both economic development and environmental protection,efficiency and equity;the upper and the lower reaches of a river.As a proposed solution,an institutional arrangement entitled "the quota system for industrial discharges along river reaches" is put forward here.The maximum of industrial discharges a water system can bear,can be distributed as quotas and traded fairly among the reaches of a river.Thus any firm will be allowed to choose freely either to invest in sewage purification or to purchase industrial discharge quotas(IDQ)·Local areas with vulnerable environments may transfer their unused IDQto others and obtain corresponding compensations which can be used to develop the low-discharge industries in harmony with ecological environments.The plan should be implemented step by step because of the complicated contradictions between the environment and development,and the difficulty of controlling industrial emissions.

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