
  • 邢立亭,康凤新.岩溶含水系统抗污染性能评价方法研究[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(3):501-508

  • 岩溶含水系统抗污染性能评价方法研究
  • The study on the method of antipollution evaluation about karst aquifer system
  • 基金项目:水利部“948”项目(No.CT200133)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 邢立亭
  • 济南大学城市发展学院, 济南 250002
  • 康凤新
  • 山东省地质勘查开发局, 济南 250013
  • 摘要:为评价岩溶含水系统抗污染性能,依据影响济南裂隙岩溶水系统抗污染性能众多因子的对比计算,提出在潜水区以地下水位埋深、富水性、土壤类型、地形、包气带介质、补给量为因子建立评价潜水区含水系统抗污染能力的DWSTIR指标体系,对于承压区以承压含水层埋深、隔水顶板岩性、隔水层厚度和水力传导系数为因子建立评价承压含水层系统抗污染能力的DCAT指标体系.依据各因子评分及权重值,根据计算所得抗污染能力评分值大小,分别将潜水区、承压水区相应划分为抗污染能力很好、抗污染能力好、抗污染能力中等、抗污染能力差和抗污染能力很差5个分级.济南应用实例的评价结果与济南岩溶地下水质量现状、水文地质条件基本相吻合.
  • Abstract:For evaluating the antipollution of karst groundwater aquifer system, according to comparison and calculation of the many factors that influence antipollution of interstices Karst groundwater system,propose a DWSTIRindex for antipollution assessment of unconfined groundwater system, and a DCATindex for antipollution assessment of confined groundwater system, the DWSTIRindex includes depth to water level, water yield nature, soil type, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, recharge of aquifer, the DCATindex includes depth to confined aquifer, conductivity of the aquifer, category of aquiclude, and thickness of aquiclude. Rank score scopes and the weight are given to every assessment factor, the overall rank scores are calculated for every section in confined groundwater area or unconfined groundwater area. Then, 5 grades of antipollution capabilities are divided as: gradeⅠ, with very strong antipollution capability; gradeⅡ, with strong antipollution capability; grade Ⅲ, with medium antipollution capability; gradeⅣ, with weak antipollution capability; gradeⅤ, with very weak antipollution capability. Acase study in Jinan karst region, the result of evaluating and groundwater quality at present, the hydrogeological condition mutually fit together.

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