
  • 郝文阁,侯亚平,赵光玲,裴莹莹,吴岩.静电除尘器极板涂敷导电防腐涂料对静电除尘性能影响的研究[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(5):956-959

  • 静电除尘器极板涂敷导电防腐涂料对静电除尘性能影响的研究
  • Effect of a conductive anticorrosion coating on collection efficiencyin an electrostatic precipitator
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No.2002AA642010);沈阳市技术创新计划项目(No.041044)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 郝文阁
  • 东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110004
  • 侯亚平
  • 东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110004
  • 赵光玲
  • 东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110004
  • 裴莹莹
  • 东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110004
  • 吴岩
  • 东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳 110004
  • 摘要:为了改善静电除尘器极板防腐性能、增加极板的抗污性能和提高极板清灰效果,用导电防腐涂料涂敷电除尘器极板.提出了涂层比电阻特性数学模型并用实验加以验证.推导了极板沉积粉尘层积累电荷量公式,表明电荷量多少与粉尘层放电时间常数成正比.理论研究结果表明,涂加涂层后,极板上低比电阻粉尘层放电时间常数增大,粉尘层积累电荷量增多,粉尘层与极板间静电附着力增大,有效减弱了粉尘的二次飞扬现象;通过降低涂层的比电阻和涂层厚度,使中高比电阻粉尘层的积累电荷量增加不大.实验测试了涂层对不同比电阻粉尘收尘效率的影响及涂层对极板粉尘剥离率的改善.实验结果显示,涂加涂层后,低比电阻粉尘的收集效率有显著提高,中高比电阻粉尘的收集效率变化不大;极板粉尘剥离率较不加涂层时有很大提高.极板涂敷技术有效延长了极板的使用寿命,在保证除尘效率的前提下提高了极板的清灰效果,是电除尘领域中的一项创新.
  • Abstract:In order to improve the cleaning effect of the electrostatic precipitator plate and to prolong its life span,(a conductive anticorrosion coating was applied to the plate.Amathematical model of resistivity characteristics of the coating was proposed and tested.The formula of accumulated charges in the dust layer indicated that the charge quantity was proportional to the discharge time constant.The oretical calculations confirmed that the discharge time constant of low-resistivity particles was prolonged,and the electrostatic force between the particles and the plate increased if the plate was coated.The collection efficiencies of low-resistivity particles were improved by coating the plate with the anticorrosion conductive coating due to prevention of particle re-entrainment.By decreasing resistivity and thickness of the coating,the charge in the high-resistivity dust was slightly increased.The efficiency of collection of high-resistivity particles with coated plate was somewhat similar to the un-coated plate.However the stripping ratio of the particles on the coated plate improved significantly compared with un-coated condition.

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