
  • 蔡婧,李小平,陈小华.河道生态护坡对地表径流的污染控制[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(7):1326-1334

  • 河道生态护坡对地表径流的污染控制
  • The effects of ecological riverbank slopes on surface runoff pollution control
  • 基金项目:上海市科委重大攻关项目(No.05DZ12009)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 蔡婧
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200072
  • 李小平
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 陈小华
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 摘要:在上海市进木港生态河道示范区,通过现场模拟径流试验,研究了柴笼、灌丛垫、植草3种不同类型的生态护坡对地表径流的延滞作用和污染控制作用.结果表明,生态护坡在控制地表径流污染方面具有良好的生态效益,柴笼对地表径流的平均延滞时间为28.00~33.33min,可拦截80.95%粒径为30.07~111.05μm的悬浮固体,可截留92.58%~97.15%的水溶态营养盐和75.75%~91.24%的泥沙结合态营养盐.灌丛垫使地表径流进入河道的时间比对照裸坡滞后9.70~15.33min,可有效截留88.53%~92.94%的水溶态营养盐;但其对悬浮颗粒的拦截能力比柴笼和植草护坡弱.植草护坡延滞地表径流的能力不及柴笼和灌丛垫,但其对地表径流中较小粒径的悬浮固体(14.89~52.63μm)和泥沙结合态营养盐的拦截率分别达到85.93%和80.53%~85.33%.研究还探讨了生态护坡对地表径流污染的控制与植被覆盖度、土壤含水率以及土壤抗剪强度等指标的关系,并提出了控制地表径流污染的生态护坡优化组合方案.
  • Abstract:The effects of three different types of vegetated riverbank slopes- live fascines, brush mattress, and grass revetment-on surface runoff detention and pollution control were studied based on field simulation experiments in an ecological restoration program of Jinmu River, Shanghai. The result showed that live fascines were able to capture 80.95% of suspended solids ranging from 30.07 μm to 111.05 μm, with 92.58%~97.15% of dissolved nutrients and 75.75%~91.24% of particle-bound nutrients, while surface runoff over the slope was detained for 28.00~33.33 min. Brush mattress was able to remove 88.53%~92.94% of dissolved nutrients with relative low capture capability for sediment particles, while surface runoff detention was 9.70~15.33 min compared to the bare slope control. Grass revetment was able to capture 85.93% of fine particles with granularity from 14.89 μm to 52.63 μm, along with 80.53%~85.33% of particle-bound nutrients, although its capability of surface runoff detention was relatively weak. The factors including vegetation coverage, shear strength and soil moisture of vegetated riverbanks which could affect the treatments are discussed. Some combined designs of vegetated riverbanks are suggested based on the ecological and engineering performance of vegetated riverbank slopes.

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