- Degradation of diosgenin wastewater by supercritical water oxidation
- 王西峰
- 湖南科技大学土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201
- 胡晓莲
- 湖南科技大学土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201
- 摘要:皂素生产废水具有色度大、有机物浓度高、酸度大、盐分高等特点,是一种处理难度较大的中药废水.探讨了用超临界水氧化处理皂素废水的实验条件,考察了温度、压力、停留时间、氧化剂用量等参数对降解反应的影响.结果表明,反应温度、停留时间、氧化剂用量是影响降解反应的主要因素,压力对降解反应的影响不大.确定了最适宜的反应条件为:反应温度440℃,反应压力24MPa,停留时间40s以上,氧气加入量为理论值的150%,此条件下COD去除率可达到99%以上.另外,实验较好地解决了超临界氧化技术中材料的腐蚀和盐的沉淀两大难题.
- Abstract:Diosgenin wastewater has the characteristics of high colour,high concentration of organic matter,high acidity,high salt and is difficult to treat.Oxidation of diosgenin wastewater in supercritical water was studied and the influence of reaction temperature,pressure,residence time,and amount of oxidant were investigated.The experiment results showed that the temperature,residence time and oxygen concentration are the major factors influencing the reaction,and the optimal conditions are:temperature 440℃,pressure 24MPa,residence time over 40s and oxidant amount 150%.Under these conditions,the removal rate of CODwas up to 99%.Moreover,the corrosion of materials and salt precipitation problems have been solved in the experiment.
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