- Distributions of acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted heavy metals in the sediments of the Huainan segment of the Huaihe River
- 基金项目:安徽省教育厅自然科学基金项目(No.2003kj326)
- 陈永红
- 淮南师范学院实验信息中心, 淮南 232001
- 徐俊
- 淮南师范学院实验信息中心, 淮南 232001
- 陈军
- 淮南师范学院实验信息中心, 淮南 232001
- 田冬
- 淮南师范学院实验信息中心, 淮南 232001
- 王娟
- 淮南师范学院实验信息中心, 淮南 232001
- 摘要:采用氮载气冷法酸溶硫化物分析技术对淮河淮南段底泥中酸性挥发硫(AVS)以及同步浸提金属(SEM)的含量在河流沿程及垂直方向上的分布进行了测定.结果表明,淮河淮南段5个站点表层底泥中AVS的含量为0.14~0.8 μmol·g-1SEM(Zn、Cu、Ni、Cd、Pb)含量为0.5~1.1 μmol·g-1;其中,峡山口站点AVS最低,姚家湾站点AVS及SEM均为最高;从入境到出境断面,[SEM]/[AVS]摩尔比值呈逐渐下降趋势,数值都在1.0以上.不同站点AVS在垂直方向上的分布较为复杂,峡山口25 cm以上段随深度增加AVS逐渐增大.之后又逐渐降低,30 cm以下段变化很小;姚家湾表层AVS含量较高,20 cm以上段随深度增加AVS逐渐减小,之后又逐渐增大,30~35 cm层含量最高;石头埠和胡大涧站点AVS随深度变化不大.胡大涧以上4个站点柱状底泥中SEM的含量在0.25~0.9 μmol·g-1之间.对[SEM]/[AVS]摩尔比的研究显示,淮河淮南段表层底泥存在轻微的重金属污染.
- Abstract:The main purposes of this paper are to investigate the horizontal and vertical distributions of acid-volatile sulfides (AVS) and the simultaneously extracted metals(SEM)of the sediments in the Huainan segment of the Huaihe River. The results indicated that the AVS contents in the surface sediments of the five sites were in the range of 0.14~0.87μmol·g-1,while the SEM (including Zn,Cu,Ni,Cd,Pb) concentrations were in the range of 0.51~1.1μmol·g-1. Of the five sampling sites,the AVS in the Xiashankou station was the lowest,while the highest AVS and SEM contents were found in the Yaojiawan station. The ratio of SEM to AVS decreased from the input to output of the Huainan segment,with values exceeding 1.0. The distribution features of the AVS in sediments at different depths at four separate sites are diverse. At Xiashankou,the AVS initially rose from 0~25 cm deep and then fell steadily with depth. The AVS profile in the cores of the Yaojiawan station showed two peaks: one at the sediment surface and another at a depth of 30~35 cm. The AVS profiles in the cores of the Shitoupu and the Hudajian stations showed little change with sediment burial depth. The SEM contents in the column sediments of the four sites were in the range of 0.25~0.9 μmol·g-1. The [SEM]/[AVS] molar ratio indicates that the upper sediments in the Huainan segment of the Huaihe River exhibit slight heavy metals contamination.
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