- Phosphate release and metrology during anaerobic fermentation of phosphorus-rich excess sludge
- 基金项目:上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目资助(No.J51502);上海市教委优秀青年教师培养专项基金(No.YYY-07009);上海应用技术学院高层次人才启动基金(No.YJ2006-26)
- 毕东苏
- 1. 上海应用技术学院土木建筑与安全工程学院, 上海 200235; 2. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
- 郑广宏
- 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
- 摘要:以某采用A/O生物除磷工艺的水质净化厂排出的富磷剩余污泥为研究对象,利用18个棕色消化瓶考察了剩余污泥厌氧发酵过程中P-PO43-的释放规律;定期测试污泥中TCOD、SCOD、TSS、VSS、PHB等指标,讨论了上清液中P-PO43-浓度与各指标的变化计量关系.结果表明,发酵过程中P-PO43-释放随VSS、TCOD呈负相关关系,与SCOD、PHB以及N-NH4+呈正相关关系.计量关系表明,富磷污泥释放P-PO43-至上清液的同时,PHB指标的变化与活性污泥系统中的厌氧释磷过程有相似之处,认为剩余污泥厌氧释磷过程有活性污泥厌氧释磷的痕迹,但机理更为复杂.
- Abstract:The phosphate release process under anaerobic conditions was investigated with 18 anaerobic reactors.The phosphorus-rich excess sludge was obtained from a sewage treatment plant in which the A/O process(an enhanced biological phosphorus removal process)was used.In order to discuss the factors and mechanism affecting phosphate release,a series of indicators of sludge properties such as TCOD,SCOD,TSS,VSS and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate content (PHB) were monitored.The results indicated that the concentration of P-PO43- increased throughout the course of the study and was negatively correlated with the concentrations of VSS and TCOD,but positively correlated with the concentrations of SCOD,PHB,and N-NH4+.According to metrology relationships,although the phosphate release mechanics are different,the PHBcontent in the phosphate-rich excess sludge changes in ways similar to the PHB in activated sludge.Therefore the mechanism of phosphate release from phosphate-rich excess sludge may be similar to that of activated sludge.
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