
  • 高玉红,孙振钧,孙新胜,郭卫华.兽药阿苯哒唑对蚯蚓皮肤和肠道超显微结构的影响[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(12):2578-2582

  • 兽药阿苯哒唑对蚯蚓皮肤和肠道超显微结构的影响
  • Effects of albendazole on the ultrastructure of the skin and intestinalepithelium of the earthworm
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(No.2007AA10Z407-1)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 高玉红
  • 1. 中国农业大学资源环境学院, 北京 100094; 2. 河北农业大学动物科技学院, 保定 071001
  • 孙振钧
  • 中国农业大学资源环境学院, 北京 100094
  • 孙新胜
  • 河北农业大学信息与技术学院, 保定 071001
  • 郭卫华
  • 河北康保职教中心, 张家口 076650
  • 摘要:检测了不同剂量的兽药阿苯哒唑对蚯蚓皮肤和肠粘膜上皮细胞超微结构的变化.结果表明,暴露于100mg·kg-1阿苯哒唑时,蚯蚓皮肤角质层增厚,分泌物增加,表皮网状粘液细胞中的粘液被排空;600mg·kg-1时,角质层变薄,分泌物减少,粘液细胞中的粘液增加,胞浆中出现大量脂肪滴.随着药物剂量的增加,肠粘膜细胞器和核染色质损伤加剧,暴露剂量为100mg·kg-1时,蚯蚓线粒体内膜消失,嵴减少,滑面内质网轻度扩张,而暴露剂量为600mg·kg-1时,线粒体严重损伤呈空泡状,滑面内质网扩张呈网状,核内染色质出现固缩和边聚现象.
  • Abstract:We investigated the ultrastructural changes of the skin and intestinal epithelium in Eisenia fetida exposed to albendazole. The results showed that the cuticle layer of the epidermis was thickened and its secretion increased compared to the control when the worms were exposed to 100 mg·kg-1 albendazole. The mucus in the reticulation mucous cells was expelled at 100 mg·kg-1. The cuticle layer, however, became thinner and its secretion decreased at 600 mg·kg-1 compared to the control; moreover, mucus in the mucous cells increased and more lipid drops were observed in the cytoplasm at 600 mg·kg-1. The organelles and chromatin in the intestine epithelium were damaged more seriously with increasing albendazole concentration. At 100 mg·kg-1, the mitochondria showed loss of the inner membrane and fewer cristae, while at 600 mg·kg-1 no structure vacuoles were observed. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum was mildly expanded at 100 mg·kg-1 and became reticulated at 600 mg·kg-1. Chromatin was agglomerated and attached to the nucleus membrane at 600 mg·kg-1.

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