
  • 褚淑祎,於建明,王家德.废气生物过滤系统填料层热迁移数值模拟[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(12):2628-2633

  • 废气生物过滤系统填料层热迁移数值模拟
  • Numerical simulations of heat migration in the packings of a waste-gas biofilter
  • 基金项目:浙江省重大科技攻关项目(No.2003C13004)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 褚淑祎
  • 浙江林学院环境科技学院, 杭州 311300
  • 於建明
  • 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院, 杭州 310032
  • 王家德
  • 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院, 杭州 310032
  • 摘要:参考多孔介质体积平均模型和三参数模型,以多孔介质能量守恒方程为基础,建立了废气生物过滤填料层热迁移的数学模型.采用Galerkin有限元法对模型进行一维数值计算.结果表明,填料层热迁移模型计算结果与实验一致,且两者值也基本相符.填料层热迁移与气流特性、生物代谢产能及介质导热特性相关.介质导热性能增强、气流温度和污染物浓度增加、生物代谢产能增大,填料层的热迁移速率提高;气流流速增大,同一时刻沿轴向各填料层热迁移速率降低.
  • Abstract:A heat migration model for a waste-gas biofilter was set up based on a porous media volume-averaging model and a three-parameter model. By adopting the operator splitting algorithms, the Galerkin finite element method was employed to deduce the discrete equations. The calculated values of the one-dimensional model for heat migration within the packings in the biofilter for the treatment of hydrogen sulfide were in good agreement with the experimental data. The heat migration within the packings was correlated with air flow properties, metabolic energy, and heat conductivity of media. The heat migration rate increased with the increase of heat conductivity of media, air flow temperature, inlet concentration, and metabolic energy, while it decreased as the air flow rate increased.

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