
  • 宋英琦,孙培德,王如意.活性污泥系统生物场-水力场-温度场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro-Temp)Ⅱ:模型校验[J].环境科学学报,2008,28(12):2442-2448

  • 活性污泥系统生物场-水力场-温度场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro-Temp)Ⅱ:模型校验
  • Biological-Hydraulic-Temperature coupled model (FCASM3-Hydro-Temp) for activated sludge system Part2:Model validation
  • 基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(No.Z507721);杭州市科技发展计划项目(No.20061133B23)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宋英琦
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 孙培德
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 王如意
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 摘要:以采用AAO工艺的德清县狮山污水处理厂作为生物场-水力场-温度场耦合模型校验的现场试验基地.针对AAO工艺的特点,按照物料平衡原理分别对厌氧池、缺氧池、好氧池等各反应池内物质变化关系进行数学表征,建立了AAO工艺生物场-水力场-温度场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro-Temp)以及生物场-水力场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro).以若丹明B作为示踪剂于该厂进行了现场示踪实验,测得厌氧池、缺氧池和好氧池的水力弥散系数.依据试验所得数据,实现了对FCASM3-Hydro耦合模型以及FCASM3-Hydro-Temp耦合模型的现场模拟校验.校验结果表明,FCASM3-Hydro-Temp耦合模型能够实现活性污泥系统污染物质生物去除与水力场和温度场耦合变化过程的动态模拟.
  • Abstract:Local experiments for Biological-Hydraulic-Temperature coupled model validation were carried out in the Deqing Shishan WWTPwith an AAOprocess. According to the characteristics of the AAO process, substantial variation in the anaerobic tank, anoxic tank and aerobic tank were each represented based on the principle of material balance. Then a Biological-Hydraulic-Temperature coupled model (FCASM3-Hydro-Temp) and a Biological-Hydraulic coupled model (FCASM3-Hydro) for the AAO process was constructed based on the previously validated Fully Coupled Activated Sludge Model 3 (FCASM3). Pe values (Peclet coefficients) for the three tanks were obtained from a local trace study using Rhodamine Bas tracer. Validation of the FCASM3-Hydro-Temp coupled model and FCASM3-Hydro coupled model was accomplished. Validation results showed that the FCASM3-Hydro-Temp coupled model could dynamically simulate the coupled process of biological nutrient removal, along with the hydraulic and temperature changes in the activated sludge system.

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