
  • 郝晓地,朱景义,曹亚莉,M. C. M. van Loosdrecht.污水生物处理系统中内源过程的研究进展[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(2):231-242

  • 污水生物处理系统中内源过程的研究进展
  • Research progress on endogenous processes in biological wastewater treatment systems
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.50678017);北京市属市管高等学校人才强教计划资助项目(No.BJE10016200611)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 郝晓地
  • 北京建筑工程学院可持续环境生物技术研发中心, 北京 100044
  • 朱景义
  • 北京建筑工程学院可持续环境生物技术研发中心, 北京 100044
  • 曹亚莉
  • 北京建筑工程学院可持续环境生物技术研发中心, 北京 100044
  • M. C. M. van Loosdrecht
  • Kluyver生物技术实验室, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学, 代尔夫特 2628BC, 荷兰
  • 摘要:污水生物处理系统的内源过程涉及到一系列微生物学、生态学机制和过程,因而对处理系统的各个方面都有重要影响.然而,目前对内源过程的认识还相当有限.本文首先在总结现有知识的基础上对污水生物处理系统中的内源过程作了定义,并对其区分为细胞和群落两个水平.随后,分别对内源过程中的细胞维持、解偶联、程序化细胞死亡、饥饿状态、高等微生物捕食等过程作了综述,总结了其在污水生物处理领域的研究进展.此外,文章还概述了细胞维持能量和细胞衰减速率的测定方法及其研究进展和存在的问题.本文的目的是通过综述现有的知识,推动对污水生物处理系统中内源过程研究的进一步发展.
  • Abstract:Endogenous processes in Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems (BWTSs) refer to combinations of biological and ecological mechanisms and processes, which have significant effects on almost all aspects of BWTSs. However, the current state of knowledge about endogenous processes is very limited. With this review article, the definition of endogenous processes is identified and summarized. Based on a review of the relevant literature, the endogenous processes in BWTSs are classified at two microbial levels, a cell level and a community level. Processes such as cell maintenance, uncoupling, Programmed Cell Death (PCD), starvation, and predation are reviewed, and state-of-the-art information about these processes is summarized. Also, developments in determining the maintenance energy and decay rates of bacteria in BWTSs are outlined. Based on the review, further research aspects related to endogenous processes are proposed.

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