
  • 薛禹群,张幼宽.地下水污染防治在我国水体污染控制与治理中的双重意义[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(3):474-481

  • 地下水污染防治在我国水体污染控制与治理中的双重意义
  • Twofold significance of ground water pollution prevention in China's water pollution control
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 薛禹群
  • 南京大学地球科学与工程学院, 南京 210093
  • 张幼宽
  • 南京大学水科学研究中心, 南京 210093
  • 摘要:农业面源污染物不仅随地表径流直接进入河流、湖泊或近海,污染地表水体,而且渗入土壤或岩石,污染地下水.而被污染的地下水最终亦流入河流、湖泊或近海,污染地表水体.因此,地下水污染防治在当前我国的水体污染控制与治理中具有双重意义:一方面,为了保护作为主要饮用水源之一的地下水,需要进行地下水污染防治;另一方面,为了有效地治理地表水体的污染,也需要进行地下水污染防治.迄今为止,我国在地下水污染防治方面所做的工作大都以保护地下水作为饮用水源为目的,而缺少或未重视被污染的地下水对地表水体污染的机理和贡献的研究.本文以农业面源造成的地下水中硝酸盐污染为例,阐明地下水污染防治在我国当前水污染防治中的双重意义,指出被污染的地下水可能是我国主要河流、湖泊和近海的主要污染源之一,旨在得到人们对地下水污染研究和治理的重视,推动面源污染物在地下水中的运移机理以及被污染地下水对地表水污染的贡献评价与防治研究,以便更合理地制定我国的流域水污染防治规划,更有效地控制和治理我国的水体污染.
  • Abstract:Contaminants from Non-point Sources(NPS) not only enter rivers,lakes,and inshore through overland flow and pollute surface water bodies but also infiltrate into the subsurface and pollute ground water.The contaminated ground water eventually flows into river,lakes,or inshore and also pollutes surface water bodies.The significance of ground water pollution prevention is thus twofold: one is to protect groundwater as drinking water sources and the other is to prevent surface water pollution.However,most studies in China so far have been focused on protecting ground water as drinking water sources.Little attention has been paid to studying how contaminants in ground water move into surface water bodies and how much they contribute to surface water pollution.In this paper,ground water contamination by nitrate from agricultural NPSis used as an example to emphasize the twofold significance of ground water pollution prevention.It is hypothesized that ground water contaminated by NPSmay be a nutrient source leading to eutrophication of China's major rivers,lakes,and inshore waters.More research is needed in the areas of ground water contamination by NPSfor better watershed management and more effective control of China's water pollution.

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