- BTEX release and its carcinogenic risk assessment during sewage sludge dewatering
- 基金项目:浙江省重大科技攻关项目(No.2005C13005);浙江省重点科技计划项目(No.2005C23051)
- 褚赟
- 浙江大学环境与生物地球化学研究所, 杭州 310027
- 翁焕新
- 浙江大学环境与生物地球化学研究所, 杭州 310027
- 章金骏
- 浙江大学环境与生物地球化学研究所, 杭州 310027
- 摘要:在模拟污泥干化的条件下,研究了4种类型污水污泥苯系物(BTEX)的释放特征及其影响因素.结果表明,在50~300℃的干化温度范围内,4种污泥的BTEX释放总量在4.20~161.90μg·m-3之间;在温度高于150℃之后,各类污泥中的BTEX释放量大幅增加;而低于150℃的情况下,污泥中BTEX的释放量仅占总BTEX释放量的5.09%.不同温度下污泥的BTEX释放量与其在污泥中的含量之间存在显著的线性关系.不同类型的污泥其所释放的BTEX组分之间具有较大的差别,污泥中BTEX的含量决定其所释放的数量,而其释放强度则取决于干化温度.对污泥释放BTEX进行健康风险评价表明,各类污泥在150~300℃下所释放的苯对暴露人员存在一定的致癌风险,其中女性相对于男性致癌风险更高.控制污泥干化温度可以最大限度地减少BTEX释放,进而降低致癌风险.
- Abstract:Volatile organic compounds,such as BTEX(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,and xylenes),emitted during industrial processing pose a potential inhalation health risk.We characterized the BTEXrelease from four types of sewage sludge under simulative dewatering conditions.Our results show that the total release of BTEXfrom four types of sewage sludge ranges from 4.20μg·m-3 to 161.9μg·m-3 at a temperature between 50℃ and 300℃.The BTEXemission rate increases significantly when the drying temperature reaches 150℃.Below 150℃,the BTEXrelease accounts for only 5.09% of the total amount.We observed a significant linear relationship between the BTEXrelease and its content in sewage sludge at a certain temperature.The BTEXcomposition varies in different types of sewage sludge.The amount of BTEXreleased is determined by its content in the sewage sludge,whereas the rate of release is correlated with the temperature.Exposure to volatile BTEXreleased during sewage sludge dewatering process at temperatures above 150 Cposes significant carcinogenic risk,particularly for female operators.Therefore,a strict control of temperature during sewage sludge dewatering is essential to reduce BTEXrelease and simultaneously minimize its potential health risk.
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