
  • 卢丽兰,王旭东,王虎,刘帅,张秀琴.鸡粪腐解过程中不同溶性腐殖质结合铜的变化[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(5):980-987

  • 鸡粪腐解过程中不同溶性腐殖质结合铜的变化
  • Dynamic changes of soluble humus-complexed copper in chicken manure
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.39800093);西北农林科技大学“青年骨干支持计划”;大学生创新计划(2007);国家科技支撑计划(No.2007BAD89B16)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 卢丽兰
  • 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 杨凌 712100
  • 王旭东
  • 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 杨凌 712100
  • 王虎
  • 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 杨凌 712100
  • 刘帅
  • 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 杨凌 712100
  • 张秀琴
  • 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院, 杨凌 712100
  • 摘要:以鸡粪为材料,添加不同比例的铜锌进行腐解试验,研究了腐解过程中不同溶性腐殖质结合态铜(水溶性、氢氧化钠溶性、氢氧化钠-焦磷酸钠混合液溶性)浓度的动态变化、受锌含量的影响及其与有效铜的关系.结果表明,粪肥原样H2O-Cu(水溶性腐殖质结合态铜)占其全铜量的10.97%,在腐解过程中先上升后下降;随着粪肥中添加铜量的增加(1∶1、2∶1、3∶1处理),H2O-Cu占其全铜的比例相应减少了(平均分别占其全铜的比例的7.10%、5.18%和3.74%);H2O-Cu随着腐解时间延长呈增加趋势;在腐解的后期(45、60d),粪肥中锌含量的增加会降低H2O-Cu含量.腐解初期粪肥原样NaOH浸提腐殖质-铜(NaOH-Cu)占其全铜量的70.87%,随腐解进行其比例大幅度下降;NaOH-Cu占其全铜的比例随着加入铜的增大而有所下降,分别为55.59%、46.04%和38.08%,且随着腐解时间延长呈下降趋势;粪肥中锌含量的增加对NaOH-Cu含量变化影响较小.粪肥原样中NaOH-Na4P2O7提取腐殖质结合态铜(NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu)占其全铜量的24.29%,随腐解过程呈增加趋势,NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu量随着加入铜量的增加而增加,占其全铜比例的15%~25%;粪肥中锌含量增加对NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu有促进作用.粪肥添加铜锌后,3种浸提剂提取的可溶性腐殖质结合态铜有55%~80%分配在NaOH的溶液中,10%~30%分配在NaOH-Na4P2O7碱性混合液中,0~10%在水溶液中;随加入铜含量和锌含量的增加,NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu平均分配比(占3种可浸提性腐殖质-Cu的比例)增加,NaOH-Cu和H2O-Cu的分配比减少.相关性分析结果表明:H2O-Cu、NaOH-Cu和NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu之间显著正相关,它们与有效铜之间呈显著正相关关系(p<0.01).
  • Abstract:Chicken manure with added Cu and Zn was used for a composting experiment to study the dynamics of soluble humus copper complexes(expressed as H2O-Cu,NaOH-Cu,NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu).The effect of zinc in compost on humus-complexed copper and the relationship between humus-complexed copper and available Cu were also investigated.The results showed that H2O-Cu in raw manure accounted for 10.97% of total copper in the compost,increasing during the first 45 days of composting and decreasing thereafter.As the added copper content increased in the treatments such as 1∶1,2∶1 and 3∶1,H2O-Cu with decomposition process,which averaged 7.10%,5.18%,and 3.74% of total copper,respectively.Adding zinc to the manure resulted in a decrease of the relative H2O-Cu content at the later stages of composting(45,60 days).NaOH-Cu accounted for 70.87% of total copper in raw manure and decreased greatly as the composting proceeded.With the added copper content increasing in the manure(1∶1,2∶1,3∶1),the percentage of NaOH-Cu to total copper decreased,averaging 55.59%,46.04%,and 38.08% of total copper in the compost,respectively.During decomposition,NaOH-Cu decreased.Added zinc had no significant impact on NaOH-Cu.NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu accounted for 24.29% of total copper in the raw manure,increasing over time.With the added copper content increasing in the manure,the percentage of NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu to total copper increased,and showed an increasing trend with time.Adding zinc increased the formation of NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu.In manures with added Cu and Zn,55%~80% of extracted humus copper was present in the NaOHfraction,10%~30% in the NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu fraction,and 0~10% in the H2Ofraction.With the added copper and zinc contents increasing in the manure,the distribution percent of NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu(expressed as percent of extractable Cu)increased and that of H2O-Cu and NaOH-Cu decreased.H2O-Cu,NaOH-Cu and NaOH-Na4P2O7-Cu were significantly correlated to each other,and all were significantly correlated to DTPA-Cu(p≤0.01).

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