
  • 王晓燕,阎恩松,欧洋.基于物质流分析的密云水库上游流域磷循环特征[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(7):1549-1560

  • 基于物质流分析的密云水库上游流域磷循环特征
  • Material flow analysis of the phosphorus cycle in the upper watershed of the Miyun Reservoir in Beijing
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.40871219);北京市科技项目(No.D0704004000092);北京市优秀人才计划(No.20061D0501600225)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王晓燕
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 阎恩松
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 欧洋
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 摘要:运用物质流分析方法,对北京市地表饮用水源地——密云水库流域进行了磷循环特征的研究;分析了研究区域内种植业、畜牧业、人口和简单子系统内部及子系统间的磷输入输出状况,以及系统整体的代谢效率特征,讨论了流域水体磷污染负荷的影响因素.研究结果表明:①化肥、饲料添加剂和农药是流域磷输入的主要来源,占直接物质磷输入总量的52.9%;整个系统向环境输入磷2868.44t,其中的26.5%直接进入水体.②在水体磷负荷中,畜牧业系统的贡献最大,为1800.26t,达到输出总量的82%,其次为种植业系统,占9.4%.③系统整体结构不协调,呈现单向和开放状态.研究区种植业系统运行出现磷亏缺,并具有区域性和不均衡性的特点;而畜牧业系统则出现磷盈余,整体结构不协调;畜禽的排泄物未能得到有效处置和循环再生,其中进入水体的量占畜禽粪尿磷总量的40.9%,从而造成严重的资源浪费和广泛的生态环境影响.④水体污染负荷与城市化率密切相关.
  • Abstract:Based on Material Flow Analysis,the phosphorus cycle in the watershed of the primary source water area for Beijing-the watershed of the Miyun Reservoir-was studied.Phosphorus(P) input and output of four sub-systems(planting,animal husbandry,population and a simple sub-system representing all other inputs and outputs),the metabolic efficiency of the whole system,and the factors affecting pollution load are discussed.The main conclusions are as follows:①Chemical products,mainly fertilizers,feed additives,and pesticides,are the main sources of P input to the watershed,accounting for 52.9% of total imported P.The P input of the system to the environment is 2868.44 t,among which 76.5% of system phosphorus enters the water body directly.②The animal husbandry sub-system is the largest contributor of P load in water,which exports 82% of the total P load in water.The planting sub-system contributes 9.4% of the total P load in water.③The overall structure of the system is open,monodirectional and unharmonious.The P cycle in the planting system is deficient,but the animal husbandry system has a P surplus with uneven regional characteristics.Excreta from livestock and humans has not been effectively reused and recycled,so 40.9% excreta went directly into the water,resulting in P accumulation in water and further serious waste of resources and extensive environmental impact.④The water pollution loads of different counties are related closely with urbanization rates.

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