
  • 肖本益,阎鸿,魏源送.污泥热处理及其强化污泥厌氧消化的研究进展[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(4):673-682

  • 污泥热处理及其强化污泥厌氧消化的研究进展
  • State of the art of thermal sludge pretreatment and its enhancement for anaerobic sludge digestion
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No.2007AA06Z347)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 肖本益
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 阎鸿
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 魏源送
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 摘要:污水生物处理的广泛应用产生了大量剩余污泥,剩余污泥的处理与处置已成为污水处理厂面临的一个重大挑战.厌氧消化是一种常用的污泥处理方法,传统的污泥厌氧消化处理方式存在许多不足,而污泥热处理却能使之改善.本文综述了近几年来污泥热处理的研究进展,从污泥热处理的机理出发,总结了热处理对污泥的作用过程及其对污泥特性的影响,分析了污泥热处理的影响因素.在阐述热处理对污泥厌氧消化的强化作用及其强化机理的基础上,深入分析了影响热处理强化污泥厌氧消化的主要因素.同时,对污泥热处理及其强化污泥厌氧消化存在的不足及其今后的发展方向作了简要的分析和展望.
  • Abstract:The treatment and disposal of excess sludge is becoming a rising challenge for municipal wastewater treatment plants due to huge amounts of sludge production resulted from wide application of biological wastewater treatment.As a traditional process used for excess treatment sludge,there are some disadvantages of the anaerobic digestion,such as low efficiency and long sludge retention time.However,recent researches clearly showed that thermal sludge pretreatment can enhance anaerobic digestion of excess sludge.In this study,the state of art of thermal sludge pretreatment was thoroughly reviewed,including thermal pretreatment processes of sludge,factors of thermal sludge pretreatment,impacts of sludge thermal pretreatment on sludge anaerobic digestion and its factors.Meanwhile,the prospects and shortages of thermal sludge pretreatment and its enhancement on anaerobic sludge digestion were also discussed.

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