
  • 王亚炜,魏源送,肖本益,刘俊新.微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥的影响因素[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(4):697-702

  • 微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥的影响因素
  • Factors of sludge pretreatment by the advanced oxidation process of microwave and hydrogen peroxide
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(No.2007AA06Z347)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王亚炜
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 魏源送
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 肖本益
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 刘俊新
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 摘要:作为一种新的污泥预处理技术,微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥显示出高效、快速的优势.试验考察了3个主要参数:污泥浓度(定量H2O2和等比例H2O2/TSS投加)、微波功率和pH值对微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥的影响.研究结果表明:①在H2O2定量投加(5000mg·mL-1)时,当污泥浓度超过22g·L-1,溶出COD没有显著增加;在H2O2与TSS等比例投加条件下,COD溶出与污泥浓度呈线性关系;②微波功率在200~1000W范围内不影响污泥处理效果;③在微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥时,污泥溶解比例随着污泥初始pH值的提高而增加.
  • Abstract:Sludge pretreatment by the Advanced Oxidation Process(AOP)of microwave(MW)and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)is being paid more and more attention due to its high efficiency.As three key factors,including Total Suspended Solids(TSS)concentration,microwave power,and initial pHvalue of sludge,their impacts on the performance of the microwave-H2O2 process were investigated by batch experiments.At the fixed H2O2 dosage(5000 mg·L-1),the release of soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD)increased little when TSSconcentration was over 22 g·L-1.However,the release of soluble CODlinearly correlated with the TSSconcentration at 1.0 of H2O2 dosage/TSSratio.The power of microwave,ranging from 200~1000W,had little effect on the sludge treatment by the microwave-H2O2 process at 5 g·L-1 of TSSconcentration and 5000 mg·L-1 of H2O2 dosage.It is interestingly found that the released CODincreased along with rising of the initial pHvalue of sludge during sludge pretreated by the microwave-H2O2 process at 5 g·L-1 of TSSconcentration and 5000 mg·L-1 of H2O2 dosage.

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