
  • 于安峰,闫桑田,初里冰,张翀,邢新会.CFP(青色荧光蛋白)大肠杆菌用于表征好氧-厌氧反复耦合反应器细胞溶解特性的研究[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(4):689-696

  • CFP(青色荧光蛋白)大肠杆菌用于表征好氧-厌氧反复耦合反应器细胞溶解特性的研究
  • CFP as a biomarker for the tracing of the cell lysis process in an rCAA (repeated Coupling of Aerobes and Anaerobes) reactor
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(No.2007AA06Z347)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 于安峰
  • 清华大学化工系生物化工研究所, 北京 100084
  • 闫桑田
  • 清华大学化工系生物化工研究所, 北京 100084
  • 初里冰
  • 清华大学化工系生物化工研究所, 北京 100084
  • 张翀
  • 清华大学化工系生物化工研究所, 北京 100084
  • 邢新会
  • 清华大学化工系生物化工研究所, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:构建了采用青色荧光蛋白(CFP)大肠杆菌快速示踪好氧-厌氧反复耦合(rCAA)反应器内溶胞特性的新方法.研究结果表明,rCAA反应器厌氧区域内的污泥上清液以及反应器后部好氧区域内的污泥上清液对大肠杆菌内CFP的释放具有明显的促进作用,说明这些区域的污泥上清液具有显著的溶菌作用.其中,厌氧区域污泥上清液对荧光细菌作用7h后的平均破碎率可以达到70%,且大肠杆菌胞内CFP的释放速度与初始荧光菌浓度以及污泥上清浓度有密切的关系.同时,研究结果进一步表明,厌氧区域污泥上清液具有的溶菌活性可能主要来自于污泥胞外的水解酶.
  • Abstract:In order to characterize the process of the cellular destruction of microbes during the sludge reduction in an rCAA(repeated Coupling of Aerobes and Anaerobes)reactor,a novel method using CFP-harboring E.coli as the indicator was proposed.When the CFPcells were re-suspended in the sludge supernatant from the anaerobic compartments and the subsequent aerobic compartments in the rCAAreactor,the intracellular CFPwas released from the bacterial cells,demonstrating that the sludge supernatant from these compartments in rCAAhad cell lysis activity to release the intracellular CFP.The sludge supernatant in the anaerobic(compartments of the rCAAreactor could destruct about 70% of the CFPbacteria cells within 7hours,and the intracellular CFPrelease rate was closely dependent upon the initial CFPbacterial concentration and sludge supernatant concentrations.This study implied that the cell lysis capability of the sludge supernatant in the rCAAreactor might be related to the hydrolytic enzymes secreted from the sludge in the anaerobic compartments.

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