
  • 于万禄,熊振湖,马华继.Photo-Fenton法降解水中新型污染物双氯芬酸及降解产物的毒性评价[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(10):2070-2075

  • Photo-Fenton法降解水中新型污染物双氯芬酸及降解产物的毒性评价
  • Degradation of the emergent pollutant Diclofenac in water by photo-Fenton and toxicity evaluation of its degradation products
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.50878138);天津市自然科学基金重点资助项目(No.07JCZDJC01700)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 于万禄
  • 天津城市建设学院, 天津 300384
  • 熊振湖
  • 天津城市建设学院, 天津 300384
  • 马华继
  • 天津城市建设学院, 天津 300384
  • 摘要:研究了photo-Fenton反应对非甾体抗炎药双氯芬酸的降解和矿化.同时,探讨了H2O2、Fe2+初始浓度、pH值等因素对photo-Fenton反应的影响,确定了最佳操作条件,并进行了各种氧化法的比较.结果表明,对于UV/H2O2/Fe2+反应系统下双氯芬酸的降解,其降解速率受到反应条件的强烈影响.双氯芬酸初始浓度为20mg·L-1时,适宜操作条件是pH值为5,初始FeSO4浓度为5mg·L-1,初始H2O2浓度为200mg·L-1.在最佳条件下,各种氧化法的降解能力趋势为UV/Fenton>UV/H2O2>Fenton>UV.由于反应中有中间产物的生成,双氯芬酸的矿化过程要长于降解过程,其生物毒性也是随着反应的进行先增大而后减小.
  • Abstract:The contribution of the photo-Fenton reaction to the degradation and mineralization of the anti-inflammatory drug,Diclofenac,was investigated and the biological toxicity of its degradation products were evaluated. The study includes the influence of factors such as pH and the initial concentration of H2O2 and Fe2+ on the photo-Fenton reaction; determination of the best operating conditions; comparison of different AOPs (advanced oxidation processes) and determination of the biological toxicities of the degradation products from each process. Results show that the degradation rate of diclofenac through the UV/H2O2/Fe2+ reaction system is strongly affected by its reaction conditions. When the initial concentration of diclofenac is 20 mg·L-1,the best operating conditions are at pH 5 with initial concentrations of 5 mg·L-1 FeSO4 and 200 mg·L-1 H2O2. Under these operating conditions,degradation ability of different AOPs is in the order UV/Fenton>UV/H2O2>Fenton>UV. Because of the appearance of intermediate products during the reaction,the mineralization process of diclofenac is longer than its degradation process and the biological toxicity initially increases and then decreases.

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