
  • 曲久辉.特别选题:环境微界面过程与污染控制序[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(1):1

  • 特别选题:环境微界面过程与污染控制序
  • Typical environmental micro-interfaces and its effect on environmental behaviors of pollutants
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 曲久辉
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
  • 摘要:长期以来,人们主要关注的是污染物的均相环境过程,这一点在大气污染化学和水污染化学的研究中尤其明显。然而近年来,人们开始关注环境中的非均相反应过程,从相对微观的尺度思考和探索环境的微界面问题,并从不同的视角不断认识和揭示这一过程在环境污染及其控制中的作用和意义。1997年,由荷兰科学家L.K.Koopal教授发起设立了Interfaces Against Pollution两年一次的系列国际会议,形成了全球范围内有关科学研究组织和科学家探讨和交流环境界面问题的重要平台。
  • Abstract:Environmental micro-interface has important influence on the transfer and transformation of contaminants. The heterogeneous micro-interfacial process is an important scientific basis for understanding and resolving environmental problems. Consequently, extensive investigation on environmental micro-interface and its mechanism has great significance for the development of environmental science and technology. In this paper, the research areas, the micro-interface reaction and the environmental effect of contaminants related to the typical environmental micro-interfaces are summarized. The paper aims at determining the micro-interface behavior of contaminant and estimating the contamination control and purification theory based on environmental micro-interface and relative technology characteristics. Specifically, the interaction of micro-interfaces, transfer and reaction of contaminant at micro-interfaces have been identified and reviewed respectively. Some suggestions for future research are also given in this paper.

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