- Using phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers for analysis of the microbial subcommunity in pigsty litter
- 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2008ZX07425-002);福建省财政专项-福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设基金(No.STIF-Y03)
- 郑雪芳
- 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所, 福州 350003
- 刘波
- 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所, 福州 350003
- 林营志
- 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所, 福州 350003
- 蓝江林
- 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所, 福州 350003
- 刘丹莹
- 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所, 福州 350003
- 摘要:采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)生物标记法,分析不同使用时间猪舍基质垫层微生物群落结构的动态变化及其亚群落的分化.结果表明,不同使用时间猪舍基质垫层中的微生物脂肪酸生物标记分布差异显著,一些微生物的脂肪酸生物标记在不同使用时间不同层次的基质垫层中均有分布,为完全分布,而另外一些微生物的脂肪酸生物标记只在特定层次分布,为不完全分布.此外,不同微生物的脂肪酸生物标记在不同使用时间不同层次的基质垫层中的分布量也不同,如生物标记i17:03OH仅分布于使用时间为1个月的基质垫层的第1、2、3层中,而在使用时间为1个月的基质垫层的第4层以及使用时间为6、24个月的基质垫层的各层分布量均极低.对猪舍基质垫层中的微生物亚群落分化的研究结果表明,当马氏距离为56.62时,可将不同使用时间的猪舍基质垫层微生物分为3个亚群落:初始亚群落、过渡亚群落和稳定亚群落.对各亚群落的特征分析表明,当欧氏距离为12.70时,可将初始亚群落(垫层使用时间为1个月)的脂肪酸生物标记继续分化为2类群;当欧氏距离为71.10时,可将过渡亚群落(垫层使用时间为6个月)的脂肪酸生物标记分化为2个类群;当欧氏距离为22.22时,可将稳定亚群落(垫层使用时间为24个月)的脂肪酸生物标记分为3个类群.
- Abstract:The diversity of phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA)biomarkers was analyzed to investigate the microbial subcommunity in pigsty litter.The litter was treated with Luodong enzymes(Bacillus subtilis,provided by Fujian Luodong Biology Technology Co.Ltd)for 1 month,6 months and 24 months.The results showed that PLFA biomarker distributions were significantly different among the three different treatments and in different layers(20,40,60,80 cm depth)of the litter in the non-polluting pigsty.Some PLFA biomarkers were distributed in all layers of the litter system after all treatments,which is called complete distribution.However,some PLFA biomarkers were only distributed in limited layers of the litter system,called incomplete distribution.The distribution of individual PLFA biomarkers was also remarkably different in the litter layers in each treatment month.For example,the biomarker i17:0 3OH was distributed in the upper layers,but only minimally present in the 80 cm layer after 1 month of treatment,while it showed complete distribution in the 6 and 24 month treatments.In the cluster analysis,when the mahalanobis distance was 56.62,the PLFA biomarkers in the litter system of pigsty were grouped into three microbial subcommunities,named initial,transitional,and stable subcommunities.Analysis of the characteristics of each subcommunity showed that the initial subcommunity with 12.70 euclidean distance and transitional subcommunity with 71.10 euclidean distance could be divided into two groups containing different PLFA biomarkers,however,the stable subcommunity could be divided into three groups when the euclidean distance was 22.22.
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