
  • 牛秋雅,曾光明,牛一乐,曾凡凡.臭氧预氧化-堆肥去除污染土壤中菲实验研究[J].环境科学学报,2009,29(11):2352-2358

  • 臭氧预氧化-堆肥去除污染土壤中菲实验研究
  • Removal of phenanthrene from contaminated soil by a combination of pre-ozonation and composting
  • 基金项目:长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助项目(No.PCSIRT0719);国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(No.50425927);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(No.2005CB724203)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 牛秋雅
  • 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082
  • 曾光明
  • 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082
  • 牛一乐
  • 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082
  • 曾凡凡
  • 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082
  • 摘要:分别将菲的丙酮溶液喷洒入未被污染的表层红壤和次表层红壤制成含菲的模拟土样,通过监测堆体温度、有机物含量、菲的残留率和种子发芽指数试验研究了臭氧预氧化-堆肥法去除污染土壤中菲的可行性.结果表明,臭氧预氧化-堆肥是一种有效去除土壤中菲污染的方法,污染土壤经处理后减弱了菲污染对植物的毒害作用,且加入的有机物经堆制腐熟后促进了植物的萌发.臭氧预氧化能够加快后续堆肥处理的启动过程并可使堆料中菲的残留率进一步降低,而土壤中有机质含量显著影响臭氧氧化的效率.臭氧处理100min时,有机质含量分别为7.73%和3.64%的表层土壤和次表层土壤中菲的去除率分别达到52.1%和76.4%.堆肥31d,经臭氧预氧化的表层土壤和次表层土壤菲的残留率分别为1.1%和0.9%,而未经臭氧预氧化样品的菲的残留率分别为15.0%和14.5%.各堆制样品种子发芽指数均可达到130%以上.
  • Abstract:Phenanthrene(phe)-contaminated soil samples were prepared by spraying phe/acetone solution into uncontaminated surface and subsurface red soils,and the feasibility to remove phe from the contaminated soil samples was investigated using a combination of pre-ozonation and composting.The organic content,temperature,phe concentration,and the germination index of the composting soil were monitored in this study.Results showed that the combined process with pre-ozonation and composting was effective for removing phe from the contaminated soil.Toxicity of the contaminated soil to plants was greatly decreased,and germination of the botanic seeds was increased due to the maturity of organic materials in composting.Ozonation quickened the startup of the following composting,and further decreased the residual concentration of phe.The organic content in soil greatly affected the efficiency of ozonation.After ozonation for 100 min,the removal efficiencies of phe from the contaminated surface and subsurface soil samples,whose contents of organic matter were 7.73% and 3.64%,were 52.1% and 76.4%,respectively.After pre-ozonation and composting for 31 d,the residual rates of phe were 1.1% and 0.9% for the surface and subsurface soil samples,respectively,while the corresponding residual rates were 15.0% and 14.5% without pre-ozonation.The germination indexes of all the soils were above 130%.

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