
  • 沈成媛,丁国际,穆丽,杨芳芳,焦正,吴明红.应用消毒剂建立宿轮虫的无菌培养系[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(1):72-78

  • 应用消毒剂建立宿轮虫的无菌培养系
  • A bacteria-free culture system of Habrotrocha. Sp.(Rotifera:Bdelloidea) built with disinfectants
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No.2007AA06234);国家自然科学基金项目(No.20677038);上海市科委项目(No.072312002);上海市重点学科第三期资助项目(No.S30109)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 沈成媛
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 丁国际
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 穆丽
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 杨芳芳
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 焦正
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 吴明红
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院, 上海 200444
  • 摘要:以污水生物处理中一种常见的有益微型动物——宿轮虫为对象,进行了应用消毒剂建立宿轮虫的无菌培养系的方法学研究.在对消毒剂次氯酸钠、甲醛及PreventolD7分别作用下的轮虫培养液中宿轮虫卵的孵化率和细菌密度变化趋势分析的基础上,建立了以确保较高的卵孵化率为前提、通过多次的抑菌培养轮虫、使培养液中细菌数量逐渐减少直至消亡、最终获得无菌轮虫的方法,即逐渐减菌方法.该方法与传统的一次性灭菌方法相比,克服了传统方法在轮虫存活率很低的条件下进行无菌化的缺点,因此,可降低对消毒条件的严格要求并提高了成功率.运用逐渐灭菌方法,为确保约50%的卵孵化率,分别使用40μL·L-1甲醛和4μL·L-1PreventolD7进行48h抑菌培养,经过4次对宿轮虫的抑菌培养,均获得了无菌的宿轮虫种群.实验结果表明,无菌化宿轮虫种群的繁殖速度与未经无菌化的宿轮虫种群相当.
  • Abstract:The rotifer Habrotrocha sp. is a common and useful microfauna in biological wastewater treatment. This study used disinfectants to set up a bacteria-free culture system of Habrotrocha sp. Anew method was established to obtain the bacteria-free rotifer based on analyzing the hatching efficiency of Habrotrocha sp. and the bacteria density in rotifer culture medium containing the disinfectants sodium hypochlorite,formaldehyde or Preventol D7. The main idea was to gradually reduce the bacteria density in the rotifer culture medium by adding disinfectants at low concentrations several times to insure high hatching efficiency. Compared with the traditional one-time disinfection method,the new method overcame the problem of low survivability of Habrotrocha sp. after the bacteria are killed. The new method required less strict disinfection conditions and resulted in a higher probability of success. To insure a 50% hatching rate,two bacteria-free populations of Habrotrocha sp. were produced 4 times with new method using 40μL·L-1 formaldehyde and 4μL·L-1 Preventol D7 as disinfectants in a 48 h bacteriostasis culture process. Furthermore,no significant difference was observed between the population growth rates of Habrotrocha sp. with and without bacteria.

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