
  • 杜瑛珣,雷乐成.对氯酚经Fenton体系预降解后的生物流化床处理[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(3):497-503

  • 对氯酚经Fenton体系预降解后的生物流化床处理
  • Treatment of 4-chlorophenol by a coupled Fenton-biological fluidized bed process
  • 基金项目:中国博士后基金资助项目(No20080430088);上海市博士后科研资助项目(No08R2141154)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杜瑛珣
  • 1. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092; 2. 浙江大学工业生态与环境研究所, 杭州 310027
  • 雷乐成
  • 浙江大学工业生态与环境研究所, 杭州 310027
  • 摘要:采用Fenton-生物流化床联用工艺处理对氯酚(4-CP)模拟废水,考察了不同Fenton处理程度时4-CP的降解产物和出水的可生化性,从而确定合适的Fenton体系预处理程度.同时,采用快速排泥法进行活性炭的挂膜以实现流化床的启动,并考察了流化床连续运行阶段停留时间(RT)、pH对降解效果的影响及反应器的抗冲击能力.最后研究了4-CP在Fenton-生物流化床联用工艺中的降解过程.结果表明,当4-CP初始浓度在1~2mmol·L-1时,通过Fenton体系可使83%左右的苯环破裂,转化成小分子有机酸;利用微生物作用可使剩余的苯环类物质和大部分的有机酸被降解,出水CODCr<100mg·L-1.Fenton-生物流化床工艺具有高效处理难降解废水的优点,是一项具有应用前景的废水处理技术.
  • Abstract:Agas liquid solid three-phase fluidized bed in which biomass was supported on activated carbon was employed to treat 4-CP(4-chlorophenol)-containing effluent using a Fenton system.The degradation of 4-CPand the formation of intermediates under various Fenton reagents in the Fenton system were investigated,and then the appropriate Fenton reagent input was obtained by comparing the biodegradability of the effluent.The biological fluidized bed ran stably after adaptation and immobilization.The effect of residence time(RT) and pHon CODCr removal,and the resistance to impact on the reactor were investigated.When 83% of the benzene ring was cleaved by the Fenton system,the combined Fenton-biological fluidized bed process achieved a good performance.The remaining aromatics and most of the organic acids were degraded in the biological fluidized bed and CODCr in the effluent was below 100 mg·L-1.The Fenton-biological fluidized bed coupled process is a promising technology for wastewater treatment.

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