
  • 詹旭,吕锡武.水源地藻类及藻毒素同时去除的效果及机制分析[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(4):775-780

  • 水源地藻类及藻毒素同时去除的效果及机制分析
  • Efficiency and mechanisms of simultaneous removal of algae and microcystins in source water
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2002AA601011);江南大学青年基金((No.2009LQN17)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 詹旭
  • 江南大学环境与土木学院, 无锡 214112
  • 吕锡武
  • 东南大学环境工程系, 南京 210096
  • 摘要:利用组合载体对太湖梅梁湾水源地水体中藻类及藻毒素的同时去除试验表明:检测水源地水体中藻量、Chl-a、TMC的含量各为(31.67~78.27)×106个·L-1、32.58~102.67μg·L-1、1.79~11.97μg·L-1.在水力停留时间为7d、组合载体的密度为13.1%的条件下,组合载体AP对藻量的平均去除率达到了59.78%,对Chl-a的平均去除率达到了80.82%,对TMC-LR、TMC-RR、EMC-LR、EMC-RR的降解率最高能达到99.73%、97.10%、100%、75.44%.对其去除机制的研究表明,组合载体AP对总细菌的富集能力达到了8.3×1011~35.6×1011cellsg·g-1,比湖水本底值中细菌的总数高出了8~9个数量级.对除藻及藻毒素过程中的优势菌种,经过培养、分离,考察其形态、生理生化特性,利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)、16SrRNA序列分析技术,经鉴定确认该优势菌株为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)和芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.).组合载体AP上富集的大量微生物,它们的协同降解作用是去除藻及藻毒素的主要作用机制.
  • Abstract:Simultaneous removal of algae and microcystins from Meiliang Bay,Lake Taihu by a combined carrier of angular polystyle was investigated in this study. The concentrations of algae were from 31.67×106 cells·L-1 to 78.27×106 cells·L-1,Chl-a from 32.58μg·L-1 to 102.67μg·L-1,and Total Microcystins (TMC) from 1.79μg·L-1 to 11.97μg·L-1. The average removal could reach 59.78% for algae and 80.82% for Chl-a with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 7 d and an APdensity of 13.1%. Under the same conditions,the combined carrier degraded up to 99.73%,TMC-LR,97.10% TMC-RR,100% EMC-LRand 75.44% of EMC-RR. The removal mechanism was studied and the results showed that the biomass concentrated by the APcarrier was from 8.3×1011 cells·g-1 to 35.6×1011 cells·g-1,which was 108~109 higher than the background in the lake water. The dominant strains removing algae and microcystins were identified as Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. by shape,physiological and biochemical characterization and by PCR and 16SrRNA sequencing. Synergetic degradation by the various microorganisms on the combined carrier APis regarded as the main mechanism for the removal of algae and microcystins.

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