
  • 梁艳燕,李义连,董建兴,陈锴,邓天天.O2与Fe(Ò )协同作用氧化和去除As(ó )[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(5):1030-1036

  • O2与Fe(Ò )协同作用氧化和去除As(ó )
  • Arsenic(ó ) oxidation and removal by the synergistic effect of oxygen and iron(Ò )
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(863)(No.2007AA06Z333)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 梁艳燕
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074
  • 李义连
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074
  • 董建兴
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074
  • 陈锴
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074
  • 邓天天
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074
  • 摘要:在中性无氧水环境中,以O2为氧化剂,研究不同Fe(Ò )和As(ó )比值(下文中简称Fe/As比值)条件下As(ó )的氧化去除效率及机理.实验发现,在O2与Fe(Ò )共存的条件下,约3~4d时间内80%左右的As(ó )被去除,6~8d后,反应趋于稳定.当Fe/As=20时,As(ó )去除率达到95%左右,当Fe/As≥30时,去除率可达到99.5%以上.研究表明,无铁水环境中O2对砷的氧化速率是极其缓慢的,而有铁存在时氧化效率可大大提高.
  • Abstract:The main objective of this study was to investigate the oxidation and removal efficiency of arsenic by oxygen and its mechanism depending on the ratio of Fe/As in a neutral and free-oxygen water environment. The experiments showed that more than 80% of arsenite was removed within 3~4 days in the presence of both oxygen and iron and the response tended to be steady after 6~8 days. The removal rate of arsenite could reach 95% and 99.5% when Fe/As=20 and Fe/As≥30,respectively. The results indicated that the speed of oxidation of arsenite was slow with pure oxygen,but much faster in iron containing water.

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