
  • 李璐,黄启飞,闫大海,蔡木林.基于生命周期评价EI99法的水泥窑共处置废弃农药分析[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(7):1527-1536

  • 基于生命周期评价EI99法的水泥窑共处置废弃农药分析
  • Life cycle assessment of co-processing of obsolete pesticides in a cement kiln using EI99 method
  • 基金项目:“十一五”国家科技支撑计划(No.2007BAC16B03,2006BAC02A19)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李璐
  • 中国环境科学研究院, 固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
  • 黄启飞
  • 中国环境科学研究院, 固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
  • 闫大海
  • 中国环境科学研究院, 固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
  • 蔡木林
  • 中国环境科学研究院, 固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
  • 摘要:以废弃农药为研究对象,应用生命周期评价法从人类健康(HH)、生态系统质量(EQ)和资源(R)3个角度对水泥窑共处置和焚烧炉处置的环境影响做出定性和定量评估.结果表明,废弃农药在水泥窑中共处置更具环境合理性.在水泥窑共处置和焚烧炉处置中,功能单位(1t)废弃农药总环境负荷(也称为环境影响潜值)分别为-27.5和0.379Pt,前者的环境负荷比后者减少了7360%,人类健康(HH)、生态系统质量(EQ)和资源(R)等各指标分别减少372%、5840%、-40.0%.废弃农药水泥窑共处置在原/燃料的获取阶段可避免57.4%的环境负荷,是降低水泥窑共处置环境影响的关键环节.焚烧和电力生产阶段的污染排放对焚烧炉处置中各指标都有很高的贡献率.二英、苯、重金属是水泥窑共处置废弃农药的主要影响因子;NOx和粉尘对焚烧系统的影响较大.
  • Abstract:The environmental benefits of co-processing obsolete pesticides in cement kilns were assessed using life cycle assessment (LCA). Human health (HH),ecosystem quality (EQ) and resources (R) were qualified and quantified to compare the environmental impacts of two disposal methods:co-processing in a cement kiln and incinerating in a common hazardous waste incinerator. The results showed that co-processing of obsolete pesticide in cement kilns could be more beneficial for the environment than common incinerating. The total environment burdens for per functional unit of obsolete pesticides were-27.5Pt in cement kiln co-processing and 0.379Pt in common incineration. The total environment burden of cement kiln co-processing was reduced by a factor of 7360%,compared with incineration. The reduction rates for HH,EQand Rwere 372%,5840% and-40.0%,respectively. In the co-processing system,raw material mining,which accounts for 57.4% of the total environmental burden,is avoided,greatly reducing the environmental burden. In the incineration system,the incinerating process and electricity production make the greatest contribution to all three environmental impact categories. The contribution of different impact factors to environmental burdens varied between the different disposal methods. Dioxin,benzene and heavy metals were the most important factors for co-processing obsolete pesticides in cement kilns,while NOx and dust were more sensitive to the incineration system.

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