
  • 胥耀方,于雷,宋国华,郝艳召.针对二氧化碳的轻型汽油车VSP区间划分[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(7):1358-1365

  • 针对二氧化碳的轻型汽油车VSP区间划分
  • VSP-Bin division for light-duty vehicles oriented to carbon dioxide
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.50878017);北京市科委与北京市环境保护局资助项目(No.D08050902920801);北京交通大学优秀博士生科技创新基金(No.141075522)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 胥耀方
  • 北京交通大学, 北京 100044
  • 于雷
  • 北京交通大学, 北京 100044;美国德克萨斯南方大学, 美国, 休斯顿 77004
  • 宋国华
  • 北京交通大学, 北京 100044
  • 郝艳召
  • 北京交通大学, 北京 100044
  • 摘要:利用PEMS对北京市16辆轻型汽油车进行了排放测试,分析了机动车比功率VSP对CO2的排放影响.在此基础上,同时考虑排放速率和排放分担率两种因素,按CO2排放特性对VSP区间重新划分.新划分区间的排放率最小值为0.5587g·s-1,最大值为3.4013g·s-1,排放分担率最小值为4.61%,最大值为14.17%.此外,VSP=0的数据排放率为0.5587g·s-1,低于周围区间,分担率为14.17%,与其它区间相当,因此,其被划入独立区间.接着,引入速度及发动机负荷ES两个参数,对VSP区间进行再划分,分别分为30个排放区间.最后,通过北京不同类型道路排放实例进行验证,发现针对快速路和非快速路而言,MOVES预测误差分别为11.43%,14.34%,IVE为12.23%,15.53%,新VSP划分方式为10.05%,12.57%,新VSP-速度组合区间的划分方式为9.10%,11.56%,新VSP-ES组合区间的划分方式为9.90%,12.23%,其中,新VSP-速度组合区间的划分方式误差最小.
  • Abstract:Emission data collected from sixteen light duty vehicles in Beijing using a Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) were used to analyze the impacts of Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) on CO2 emissions. Then,the VSPbins were re-divided based on the emission characteristics of CO2 with consideration of both emission rates and emission contributions. The minimum value of the emission rate in the new VSPbins was 0.5587 g·s-1,and the maximum value was 3.4013 g·s-1; while the minimum value of the emission contribution in the new VSPbins was 4.61%,and the maximum value was 14.17%. The emission rate when VSP=0 was 0.5587 g·s-1,lower than those of neighboring bins,while the emission contribution was 14.17%,similar to those of other bins. Thus,VSP=0 was made an independent bin. Speed and Engine Stress (ES) were used separately to further divide the VSP-bins into 30 bins. Finally,the prediction of CO2 using the proposed VSP bins was validated in a case study for different classes of roads in Beijing. For expressways and non-expressways,the errors generated were 11.43% and 14.34% by MOVES,12.23% and 15.53 by IVE,10.05% and 12.57% by the proposed VSP-Bins,9.10% and 11.56% by the proposed VSP-Speed-Bins,and 9.90% and 12.23% by the proposed VSP-Engine Stress-Bins. The combination of VSPand speed generated the least errors in analyzing the CO2 emissions of on-road vehicles.

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