
  • 熊丽君.上海市浦东北部区域主体功能区划研究[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(10):2116-2124

  • 上海市浦东北部区域主体功能区划研究
  • Division by major function in the northern Pudong area of Shanghai
  • 基金项目:上海环境保护与生态建设“十二五”规划资助项目(No.HHK2009-05)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 熊丽君
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 摘要:主体功能区划是依据区域资源环境承载能力、现有开发密度和发展潜力,将国土空间划分为不同功能区的过程,是规范空间开发秩序并优化空间开发格局的有效手段.浦东新区是我国重要的经济发展中心,本文对该区域进行主体功能区划研究,旨在明确该区域社会发展与资源环境相协调的空间发展格局,并提出空间格局优化的建议.本研究根据国家和上海市主体功能区划技术方法,结合区域特征,建立主体功能区划指标体系,并通过网格分析和空间分析,获得各指标的空间分布数据.在此基础上,采用自下而上方法与自上而下方法形成并修正分区方案.本研究将该区域划分成5类主体功能区:禁止开发区、限制开发区、优化开发提升区、优化开发协调区和优化开发拓展区.研究结果表明,该区域在经济快速发展的同时,资源与环境存在较大压力,产业布局也存在一定的不合理,以期为政府未来规划修正提供借鉴.
  • Abstract:Division by major function provides an effective method to regulate and optimize the spatial sequences and patterns of land exploitation and economic development. The method is applied to divide a region into several different functional areas. Using this method,the spatial development pattern of northern Pudong,an important economic center of China,is demonstrated in this paper. According to the technical methods put forward by the National Development and Reform Commission,an index system based on local regional characteristics was established. And the spatial distribution of the data of each indicator was obtained by grid analysis and spatial analysis,using GISsoftware. The primary division scheme was formed by 2 bottom-up methods and then modified by 2 top-down methods. As a result,northern Pudong New Area was divided into 5 areas by their major functions a) the natural conservation area,b) the restricted area,c) the optimized and promoted development area,d) the optimized and harmonized development area and e) the optimized and exploited development area. This study indicated that northern Pudong New Area faces severe resource and environmental pressures because of the rapid economic development in the past few decades,and the industrial structure and spatial layout should be modified in future urban planning.

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