
  • 黄翠,杨朝晖,肖勇,曾光明,石文军,骆滨.堆肥嗜热纤维素分解菌的筛选鉴定及其强化堆肥研究[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(12):2457-2463

  • 堆肥嗜热纤维素分解菌的筛选鉴定及其强化堆肥研究
  • Isolation and identification of cellulolytic thermophiles for composting and their enhancement of composting
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30970105);长沙科技计划重点资助项目(No.K0802151-31);国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项资助课题(No.2009ZX07212-001-02)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 黄翠
  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082; 2. 环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室(湖南大学), 长沙 410082
  • 杨朝晖
  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082; 2. 环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室(湖南大学), 长沙 410082
  • 肖勇
  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082; 2. 环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室(湖南大学), 长沙 410082
  • 曾光明
  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082; 2. 环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室(湖南大学), 长沙 410082
  • 石文军
  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410082; 2. 环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室(湖南大学), 长沙 410082
  • 骆滨
  • 常德市环境卫生管理处, 常德 415000
  • 摘要:对采集于农业堆肥高温期的微生物样品进行30d的高温驯化,驯化完成后从中筛选得到15株嗜热纤维素分解菌,经形态学特征、生理生化反应及16SrDNA序列同源性比对鉴定为:Bacillussp3株,Paenibacillussp1株,Bacilluslicheniformis3株,Bacillussubtilis4株,Brevibacillusborstelensis1株,Bacilluscoagulans3株.将筛选得到的菌种添加至高纤维素含量的堆体进行效果验证,结果表明添加嗜热纤维素分解菌对堆肥pH变化无显著影响,但可提高堆肥高温期温度、延长高温期并显著地降低堆肥产品的C/N和有机质含量,显著降低纤维素和半纤维素含量,加快堆肥腐熟.堆体有机质降解动力学结果表明,堆体接菌和不接菌处理的有机质最大降解度分别为62.5481%和61.7101%,速率常数分别为0.1250d-1和0.1051d-1,接菌处理的堆肥比对照堆肥提前6d达到稳定.研究表明,添加筛选的嗜热纤维素分解菌能缩短堆肥周期.
  • Abstract:Fifteen cellulolytic thermophiles were isolated from a thermophilic domestication reactor after 30 days,in which microbial samples from an agricultural composting system were added during the thermophilic phase.Based on the strain morphological,physiological and biochemical properties as well as 16SrDNAhomology analysis,of the 15 isolated bacteria,3 shared close homology to Bacillus sp,3 to Bacillus coagulans,4 to Bacillus subtilis,1 to Brevibacillus borstelensis,3 to Bacillus licheniformis,1 to Paenibacillus sp.The isolates were then inoculated in high-cellulose compost to test their effectiveness.After adding the isolates,the thermophilic phase of composting was prolonged and its temperature was increased whereas the C/Nratio,organic matter(OM) content,cellulose and hemicellulose content were reduced significantly.The pHwas not affected,however.The OMloss kinetic equation for composting showed that the maximum OM degradation degree of composting experiments with/without cellulolytic thermophiles were 62.5481%,61.7101%,respectively,and the rate constants were 0.1250 d-1,0.1051 d-1,respectively.The time to reach maturity for cellulolytic thermophile-treated compost was reduced by 6 days compared with the control run.Therefore,by adding the cellulolytic thermophiles,the composting time in this work was shortened.

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