- Performance of a ceramic moving bed biofilm reactor for treatment of low strength sewage
- 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2008ZX07211-005);关键领域重点突破项目招标(东莞专项)(No.200716851)
- 魏臻
- 华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室, 广州 510006
- 胡勇有
- 华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室, 广州 510006
- 方平
- 东莞市中艺环保实业发展有限公司, 东莞 523000
- 摘要:采用填充率为30%的生物陶粒移动床(BCMBBR)处理东莞城镇低浓度、低碳高氨氮生活污水(COD约130~185mg·L-1、C/N=3~7).同时,考察了BCMBBR在5种工况下的运行效果及相应的微生物相状况.结果表明,BCMBBR运行的最佳条件为:HRT为8h,气水体积比为4:1.COD、BOD5、NH4+-N和SS的平均去除率均在82%以上,TN和TP的平均去除率为48.7%和32.3%.陶粒良好的孔隙度有利于BCMBBR实现微环境同时硝化反硝化生物脱氮;曝气强度是影响处理效率的关键因素;处理低浓度、低碳高氨氮污水,BCMBBR运行宜控制气水比在4:1~6:1内,较低的气水比利于脱氮.若污水C/N增大,在保证陶粒流态化前提下宜选择低曝气强度,DO控制在3mg·L-1左右.BCMBBR后接聚合氯化铝+聚丙烯酰胺(PAC+PAM)强化混凝工艺能有效提高TP去除效率,确保出水水质稳定达到(GB18918-2002)一级A标准.BCMBBR比塑料填料MBBR可更有效地处理低浓度、低碳高氨氮污水.
- Abstract:Abio-ceramic moving bed biofilm reactor(BCMBBR) was designed and tested for treating municipal sewage with a low organic loading(COD:130~185 mg·L-1,C/N:3~7)in south China. This study was intended to determine the optimum operating conditions and key factors of the system for performance improvement and regulation. The results showed that under the optimum operating conditions of the system(ceramic-filling rate=30%,hydraulic retention time=8 h and gas-water ratio=4:1)the removal efficiencies were 83.3% COD,85.7% BOD5,85% NH4+-N,48.7% TN,32.3% TPand 82.1% SS. This study suggests that a microscopic anaerobic and aerobic denitrification environment can be easily achieved in the BCMBBRusing a bio-ceramic due to its good porosity and easy implementation. As a key factor,aeration intensity significantly affects the overall performance of BCMBBR. Control of the gas-water ratio between 4:1 and 6:1 was the optimal regulation stratagem for BCMBBRtreatment of wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen content and low carbon content. Alow gas-water ratio was suitable for nitrogen removal in the BCMBBR. In combination with the well-fluidized ceramic,it is advisable to choose a low aeration intensity to control the DOaround 3 mg·L-1 if increase of the effluent C/Nis observed. And the high TPremoval efficiency could be achieved by application of enhanced coagulation technology based on the addition of PACand PAM. In summary,BCMBBRwas demonstrated to be more effective than MBBRtechnology for treatment of the wastewater containing high ammonia nitrogen and low carbon.
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