
  • 钱苏雯,王如意,孙培德.水温变化对EBPR系统除磷效果响应机制的数值模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2010,30(12):2420-2429

  • 水温变化对EBPR系统除磷效果响应机制的数值模拟研究
  • Simulation of water temperature effects on the response pattern of enhanced biological phosphorus removal system
  • 基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金重点资助项目(No.Z507721);浙江省高等学校创新团队支持计划项目;浙江工商大学研究生科技创新项目(No.1260XJ1509041)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 钱苏雯
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 王如意
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 孙培德
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
  • 摘要:大量研究表明,水温变化会影响聚磷菌和聚糖菌之间的竞争关系,是造成EBPR系统除磷效果波动的重要因素.温度的逐步升高导致聚磷菌在强化生物除磷(EBPR)系统中逐渐失去优势直至系统崩溃.然而,有关如何利用物理模拟和数值模拟手段恢复升温破坏后的EBPR系统除磷效果及其响应机制的研究甚少.本文基于全耦合活性污泥数学模型(FCASM3),对EBPR系统进行数值建模和模拟试验,研究温度变化对EBPR系统的影响,旨在用模型预测及验证水温变化对EBPR系统除磷效果响应机制及适宜聚磷菌生存的极限条件,通过升温破坏及温度恢复的试验与模拟研究,进一步分析不同温度对EBPR系统中聚磷菌和聚糖菌的影响.通过对比FCASM3与国际水协的除磷代谢模型ASM2d在不同运行温度(20℃,25℃,30℃,35℃)下,对EBPR系统出水COD、PO43--P等污染物质的模拟变化趋势,结果表明FCASM3能更好地模拟EBPR系统中聚磷菌和聚糖菌的行为,且随着温度的升高,EBPR的除磷效率下降.在水温升高和恢复的过程中发现,温度升高到35℃,会导致EBPR的崩溃,短时间内不能恢复升温前的除磷效率.
  • Abstract:There have been many studies on the temperature effects on the competition between polyphosphate-accumulating organisms and glycogenaccumulating organisms.These effects play an important role in the efficiency of enhanced biological phosphorus removal(EBPR).As the temperature rises,the predominant role of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms will be lost gradually,and the EBPRsystem will collapse.Among all these studies,simulation of water temperature effects on the response pattern of EBPRsystem's destruction because of temperature rising and how to recover the collapsed EBPRsystem in both measurement and numerical simulation are rare.Fully coupled activated sludge model(FCASM3) was used for simulation of EBPRsystem in this study.The model satisfactorily describes the temperature effects on the bacterial activity of EBPRin a sequencing batch reactor(SBR).The main purpose of this study was to assess water temperature effects on the response pattern of the EBPRsystem and investigate the maximum temperature for the survival of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms.Importantly,the regularity of the recovery of the collapsed EBPRsystem destroyed by rising temperature was also investigated based on FCASM3 simulation.Effluent concentrations of CODand PO43--Psimulated by FCASM3 were compared with the results simulated by ASM2d at different temperatures(20℃,25℃,30℃,35℃).The results showed that the simulated profiles of effluent pollutants by FCASM3 were more consistent with the measured values than the profiles simulated by ASM2d.Moreover,the phosphorus removal rate of EBPRdecreased as the temperature increased,which indicated that the water temperature might affect the response pattern of the EBPRsystem.The treatment efficiency of the EBPRsystem at 35 Ccould not be recovered to its original state in the short term.

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