
  • 赵红梅,牛伟,刘晓英,彭党聪.SBR中缺氧颗粒污泥反硝化过程中PHB的存储与利用[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(2):260-267

  • SBR中缺氧颗粒污泥反硝化过程中PHB的存储与利用
  • Storage and utilization of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate under denitrification in an anoxic granular sludge SBR
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.50478047)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵红梅
  • 1. 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055; 2. 长安大学环境科学与工程学院, 西安 700054
  • 牛伟
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 刘晓英
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 彭党聪
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 摘要:微生物在非平衡的生长条件(暂态)下,存储胞内聚合物是去除易生物降解有机物的一种机制,这种现象对不同微生物种群在暂态下的基质竞争有着重要意义.本试验采用SBR反应器以乙酸为基质,在缺氧条件下成功培养出颗粒污泥,在此基础上对乙酸的消耗以及胞内聚合物聚-β-羟基丁酸(PHB)的合成与利用进行研究.结果表明:间歇条件下,颗粒污泥中反硝化菌对基质的利用存在着储存机制.日常运行周期内当基质较多时,颗粒污泥中PHB含量上升,基质缺乏时,PHB含量衰减,周期末端PHB含量为0.75%~1.0%;PHB合成阶段,ΔPHB/ΔCOD(即YSTOD)为0.39,最大合成比速率为0.124g·g-1·h-1,且ΔCOD/ΔNOx-N的比值可间接反映出PHB的变化状态;进水COD/NO3--N(C/N)=5提高基质负荷情况下,周期内PHB变化情况与日常运行条件下相似,YSTOD为0.35~0.25;进水C/N=7.5时,乙酸供给富余,反硝化过程中缺氧颗粒污泥PHB含量不断升高,直至反应结束,YSTOD为0.38~0.45.
  • Abstract:Storage of internal polymers is considered one mechanism for the removal readily biodegradable organic matter for microorganisms under dynamic (transient) conditions and this phenomenon is very important for substrate competition of different cultures under transient conditions. In this study,anoxic granular sludge was successfully cultivated with acetate as substrate under anoxic conditions in an SBRand the processes of acetate consumption,storage and utilization of the internal polymer,poly-β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB),were studied. Denitrobacteria used the acetate substrate in a storage mechanism process. The PHBcontent of granular sludge initially increased while substrate was available and than decreased in the following substrate-deficient stage of the daily operation cycle. The PHBcontent could reach as high as 0.75%~1.0% of the biomass by the end. During the PHBsynthesis phase,ΔPHB/ΔCOD(YSTOD) was 0.39,the maximum synthetic rate was 0.124 g·g-1·h-1 and storage or utilization of PHBcould be reflected indirectly by the ratio ofΔCOD/ΔNOx-N. When the substrate load was raised such that the COD/NO3--N(C/N) ratio was 5,the PHBcontent of the biomass showed a trend very similar to that of the typical daily operation cycle and YSTODwas 0.35~0.25. When C/Nratio was increased to 7.5,concentrations of PHBwere raised continually until the end of denitrification and YSTODwas 0.38~0.45 due to sufficient substrate supply.

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