- Effects of temperature on purification ability of a planted floating bed system treating eutrophic water
- 基金项目:教育部科技研究重点项目((No.200705824);浙江省科技局重点项目(No.2006C13059)
- 胡绵好
- 1. 江西财经大学资源与环境管理学院, 南昌 330032; 2. 污染环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室, 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 袁菊红
- 江西财经大学资源与环境管理学院, 南昌 330032
- 杨肖娥
- 污染环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室, 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 摘要:利用生态浮床系统研究了温度对豆瓣菜和水芹净化富营养化水体能力的影响.结果表明,不同温度(10、22和35℃)处理明显影响植物浮床系统对NH4+-N、TN、TP、Chla、CODMn、BOD5的去除效率;植物浮床系统在22℃时对TN、NH4+-N、Chla的去除率分别达79%、82%、76%以上,在35℃时对TP、CODMn、BOD5的去除率分别达75%、81%、80%以上.10、22和35℃处理的浮床系统(包括植物浮床及无植物对照浮床)中,NO3--N、NO2--N的浓度均降低,但植物浮床系统中NO3--N、NO2--N的浓度降低较为明显(p<0.05).10℃处理的浮床系统中,DO的浓度均高于22℃和35℃处理(达1.2倍以上).10、22和35℃处理的豆瓣菜和水芹浮床系统对NH4+-N、TN、Chla和CODMn的去除效果存在显著的差异(p<0.05).这些结果表明,豆瓣菜和水芹生态浮床系统有较强的净化富营养化水体的潜能,特别是在低温季节.
- Abstract:The effect of temperature on the purification abilities of water dropwort and watercress in eutrophic water with a planted floating-beds system (PFS) was investigated in this study. The results showed that the removal of NH4+-N,TN,TP,Chla,CODMn,and BOD5 was influenced significantly by growth at different temperatures (10,22,and 35℃). The removal rate of TN,NH4+-N,and Chla in the PFSwere above 79%,82%,76%,respectively,at 22℃,and the removal rate of TP、CODMn、BOD5 in the PFSwere over 75%,81%,80% respectively,at 35℃. The concentration of NO3--Nand NO-2-Nin the PFSand non-planted FS (NPFS) decreased at 10,22,and 35℃,and NO3--Nand NO-2-Nconcentration in the PFSdecreased significantly (p<0.05). DOconcentration in the PFSand NPFSat 10℃ was higher than that at 22℃ and 35℃ (over 1.2 times). In addition,there were significant differences between watercress and water dropwort for NH4+-N,TN,Chla,and CODMn removal at 10,22 and 35℃ treatments. These results indicate that watercress and water dropwort PFS have great potential for purifying eutrophic water,especially in low temperature seasons.
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