
  • 臧常娟,黄岁樑,吴敏,杜胜蓝,高峰,林超,郭勇,罗阳.投饵养鱼对潘家口水库围隔中浮游植物及水质的影响[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(3):525-532

  • 投饵养鱼对潘家口水库围隔中浮游植物及水质的影响
  • Effect of fish stocking with bait on phytoplankton and water quality in Panjiakou Reservoir enclosures
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51079068);天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(No.09ZCGYSF00400);国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项(No.2008ZX07314-005-001,2009ZX07209-001);水利部公益性行业科研专项子课题(No.200801135);中国水利水电科学研究院开放基金
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 臧常娟
  • 环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室水环境数值模拟研究室天津市城市生态环境修复与污染防治重点实验室环境科学与工程学院南开大学, 天津 300071
  • 黄岁樑
  • 环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室水环境数值模拟研究室天津市城市生态环境修复与污染防治重点实验室环境科学与工程学院南开大学, 天津 300071
  • 吴敏
  • 环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室水环境数值模拟研究室天津市城市生态环境修复与污染防治重点实验室环境科学与工程学院南开大学, 天津 300071
  • 杜胜蓝
  • 环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室水环境数值模拟研究室天津市城市生态环境修复与污染防治重点实验室环境科学与工程学院南开大学, 天津 300071
  • 高峰
  • 水环境监测中心引滦工程分中心海河水利委员会, 唐山 064309
  • 林超
  • 海河水资源保护局海河水利委员会, 天津 300170
  • 郭勇
  • 海河水资源保护局海河水利委员会, 天津 300170
  • 罗阳
  • 海河水资源保护局海河水利委员会, 天津 300170
  • 摘要:2009年8月~10月在潘家口水库进行现场围隔试验,研究了投饵、投饵单养鳙鱼(Aristichthy novilis)、鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)及投饵混养鳙鲤鱼对浮游植物和水质的影响.结果表明,试验期间潘家口水库水体浮游植物密度维持在2.6×106个·L-1水平,氮、磷质量浓度比达112,磷是潜在的限制性营养盐.投饵和投饵养鱼围隔中的浮游植物密度显著高于对照围隔及库区水体,投饵围隔中的浮游植物密度又显著高于投饵养鱼围隔,其中以单养鳙鱼围隔最低;鳙鱼和鲤鱼可以有效控制蓝藻(Cyanophyta)增长,使围隔水体中的浮游植物优势种由蓝藻变为绿藻(Chlorophyta).投饵养鱼对水体中的浊度、高锰酸盐指数、总磷有显著促进作用;投饵和投饵养鱼围隔中总氮及溶解氧浓度显著低于对照围隔及库区水体.投饵和投饵养鱼围隔中的浮游植物密度与浊度、高锰酸盐指数、总磷呈显著正相关.
  • Abstract:Field enclosure experiments were carried out in Panjiakou Reservoir from August,2009 to October,2009,to study the impacts of fish stocking with bait on phytoplankton and water quality. The results showed that in Panjiakou Reservoir the phytoplankton density was maintained at 2.6×106cells·L-1 in the experimental period,and the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was 112,so the reservoir was categorized as a "phosphorus-limited" reservoir. The phytoplankton densities in enclosures with bait only and with both fish stocking and bait were significantly higher than those in the controlled enclosure and the reservoir water,and the phytoplankton density in the bait only enclosure was significantly higher than that in the fish enclosures,with that in the bighead carp (Aristichthy novilis) monocultured enclosure being the lowest. Bighead carp and carp (Cyprinus carpio) could effectively restrain the growth of Cyanophyta,and change the dominant species of phytoplankton from Cyanophytato Chlorophyta in the fish enclosures. Fish stocking with bait significantly increased the turbidity,CODMn and total phosphorus. The concentrations of total nitrogen and dissolved oxygen in enclosures with bait only and with both fish stocking and bait were significantly lower than those in the controlled enclosure and the reservoir water. In bait only and fish stocking with bait enclosures,significant positive correlations between phytoplankton density and the turbidity,CODMn,total phosphorus were found.

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