
  • 李新,石建屏,吕淑珍,王海滨.中国水泥工业CO2产生机理及减排途径研究[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(5):1115-1120

  • 中国水泥工业CO2产生机理及减排途径研究
  • CO2 emissions from the Chinese cement industry and methods to reduce them
  • 基金项目:四川循环经济研究中心资助项目(NoXHJJ-1016);绵阳师范学院科研基金项目(NoQD2007A002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李新
  • 绵阳师范学院资源环境工程学院, 绵阳 621000
  • 石建屏
  • 绵阳职业技术学院材料工程系, 绵阳 621000
  • 吕淑珍
  • 西南科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 绵阳 621010
  • 王海滨
  • 1. 绵阳师范学院资源环境工程学院, 绵阳 621000; 2. 绵阳师范学院化学化工学院, 绵阳 621000
  • 摘要:根据水泥生产的基本原理和工艺特点,推导出煤燃烧和石灰质原料煅烧时CO2排放因子分别为2.38t·t-1和0.527t·t-1;采用水泥工业CO2排放数学模型计算2001—2008年中国水泥工业CO2排放量,并分析了不同的生产技术水平和产品品种结构对CO2排放量的影响.结果表明:中国水泥工业CO2排放量与单位产品的能源和资源消耗量呈线性关系,在CO2排放量构成中,燃料燃烧和加工过程CO2排放量分别占46%和50%,间接电力消耗CO2排放量仅占4%;采用新型干法生产技术比传统方法减少CO2排放量34%,生产掺加混合材料的水泥比硅酸盐水泥减少CO2排放量35%.2008年中国水泥产量比2007年增长2%,而CO2排放量仅增长0.23%,说明水泥工业实施节能降耗、资源循环利用等技术措施对于减少CO2排放具有显著效果.
  • Abstract:According to the principles and characteristics of cement production,the emission factors of carbon dioxide were calculated to be 2.38 t·t-1 for burning coal and and 0.527 t·t-1 for burning lime materials.Amathematical model of CO2 emission in the cement industry was used to deduce the CO2 emissions load of the Chinese cement industry from 2001 to 2008.The results indicated that there is a linear relationship between the Chinese industrial emission of CO2 and the energy and resource consumption per unit product.CO2 emitted in the fuel burning and cement producing process were respectively responsible for 46% and 50% of total CO2 emissions by the cement industry.Indirect power loss occupied only 4% of total CO2 emissions.When the new suspension preheater(NSP) cement technique was used,CO2 emission decreased by 34% compared with that produced by the traditional technique.The CO2 emission of cement and admixture production decreased by 35% compared with Portland cement production.Compared with 2007,total Chinese cement outputs increased 2% in 2008,but there was only a 0.23% increase in CO2 emissions.The results indicate that techniques for energy saving and resource recycling have great influence on the reduction of CO2 emissions.

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